B&M 70391 DEEP PAN, 2010+ CAMARO (6L80) User Manual

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drained (~ 1.5 quarts (1.4L) – cold
Loosen two opposing corner
bolts and remove the rest of the pan
bolts using a 10mm socket, exten-
sion, and ratchet. If the pan and gas-
ket sticks, pry it down slightly with a
screwdriver to break the seal (see fig-
ure 2
NOTE: Be careful not to damage
the transmission surface and/or
pan gasket as leaks could develop.
Carefully remove the two re-
maining corner bolts while holding the
pan and lower the pan without spilling
the remaining fluid. The pan will be
about 7/8 or more, full of fluid (~4
quarts (3.8L)), so keep the pan level
and slowly move it out from under-
neath the vehicle where it can be safely
drained (see figure 3).
STEP 4. Remove the magnet from the
pan, fully clean it and set it aside as
it will be re-used.
STEP 5. The oil filter will now be ex-
posed. If changing the filter (recom-
mended), pull the filter out of the valve
body, being careful not to bend the fil-
ter pickup tube as it is plastic and may
crack or break (see figure 4). If the
seal remains in the valve body and
does not come out with the filter, re-
move it by using a flat head screw-
driver. Be careful not to damage the
surface. Then install the new filter
(GM p/n: 24236931).
STEP 6. Place the magnet removed
earlier on the bottom of the B&M Cast
Aluminum Deep Transmission
Fluid Pan
directly on top of the star
feature with threaded hole (see fig-
ure 5
). Using the supplied button head
screw and over-sized washer, affix the
magnet to the bottom of the pan and
tighten with a 4mm hex wrench.
STEP 7. Place Teflon tape on the
threads of the magnetic drain plug and
temperature sensor plug (or sending
unit if using a temperature gauge) and
tighten them into the pan using a 3/8"
hex wrench and 7/16" box wrench (see
figure 6
STEP 8. Using a 14mm deep socket,
extension, and ratchet; remove the oil
level check plug from the stock pan
and install it into the oil level check
recess of the B&M Cast Aluminum

Deep Fluid Pan. Tighten to 18 ft-lbf
(25 N-m).
STEP 9. Closely inspect the transmis-
sion pan gasket for any signs of prob-
lems including, rips, tears, or exces-
sive deformation. Replace with a new
gasket (GM p/n: 24224781) if neces-
sary. Align the gasket onto the mount-
ing flange of the B&M Cast Alumi-
num Deep Fluid Pan
and push the
nubs of the gasket into the guide hole

of the pan to hold the gasket in place
(see figure 7).
STEP 10. Clean the transmission
mating surface with a clean rag (see
figure 8
STEP 11. Install the B&M Cast Alu-
minum Deep Oil Pan
using the sup-
plied bolts and washers (see figure
). Using a 5mm hex drive, extension,
and torque wrench tighten the bolts
to 80 in-lbf (9N-m) in the sequence

Figure 1

Figure 2