B&M 70239 SHIFT IMPROVER KIT User Manual
B&M For the car

Installation of the B&M TH700
Shift Improver Kit can be accom-
plished by anyone with minimum
mechanical experience. It is how-
ever, important to closely follow the
NOTE: The B&M TH700 Shift Im-
prover Kit is not a cure-all for an
ailing transmission. If your transmis-
sion is slipping or in poor general
shape, the installation of this Shift
Improver Kit may worsen the condi-
tion. However on a properly operating
transmission in average condition,
the Shift Improver Kit will provide the
kind of transmission performance
your looking for.
When installing your Shift Improver
Kit there are several other B&M prod-
ucts you may wish to consider:
TH700 Kickdown Kit 70237 The
TH700 has a hydraulic circuit that
causes a forced 4-3 down shift when-
ever the throttle is opened past two
thirds travel. In some applications a
forced 4-3 down shift is undesirable,
B&M has developed an easily in-
stalled kit that will eliminate the part
throttle 4-3 down shift feature. This
kit does not alter normal shift speeds
or affect detent operation. This kit is
best installed along with B&M’s 70239
Shift Improver Kit. However it can
also be installed independent of other
modifications, and valve body removal
is not required (pan gasket not in-
Transmission Oil Cooler We feel
that it is very important that every
vehicle used in a heavy duty applica-
tion (racing, towing, RV, etc.) should
have an oil cooler. Heat is the major
cause of transmission failures, and an
oil cooler is an inexpensive safeguard
against overheating and failure. B&M
offers a wide range of transmission
coolers to suit every need, which are
available at your B&M dealer. The TH-
700 runs hotter than most other auto-
matic transmissions, making an oil
cooler almost a necessity.
Trick Shift Performance ATF Trick
Shift performance automatic trans-
mission fluid is the industry’s leading
performance ATF. A specially
blended oil with foam inhibitors, ex-
treme pressure agents and shift im-
provers, this fluid assures protection
while delivering the fastest possible
shifts. You literally “Pour in perfor-
mance.” Available at your B&M dealer.
transmissions do not come from the
factory equipped with drain plugs.
The B&M Drain plug kit is inexpen-
sive and easy to install. It eliminates
the mess of a fluid change or pan
Printed in U.S.A.
nstallation Instructions
TH700(4L60) Shift Improver Kit
1982-93 Non electronic
Part No. 70239
© B&M Racing & Performance Products 1996
The B&M TH700 Shift Improver Kit
has been designed to work on all 1982
thru 1993 non electronic TH700’s.
During 1982 thru 1993 model years four
major changes have been made to the
TH700’s hydraulic circuitry. It is
important that you know the year
model of the transmission your working
on so that you can identify the correct
checkball placement diagram. Figure
1 describes where to look on your
transmission for model year
identification. If the original transmission
in your vehicle was replaced by a factory
rebuild, the I.D. number may have been
changed. In this case you will have to
compare the components in your
transmission with the check ball
placement diagrams in the instructions
to determine the correct check ball
WARNING: Incorrect checkball place-
ment can result in serious transmis-
sion damage. Be sure to follow the
instructions carefully.
We recommend that you read through
the instructions completely before
beginning the installation, so you can
f a m i l i a r i z e y o u r s e l f w i t h t h e
installation procedure and tools
required. Check the tool list at the
end of these instructions for the tools
required to install your B&M TH700
Shift Improver Kit.