B&M 50281 CAST DEEP PAN User Manual
C-4 deep pan, Nstallation instructions

Printed in the U.S.A.
nstallation Instructions
C-4 Deep Pan
Part Number 50281
(see www.bmracing.com for the latest vehicle fitment applications and model years)
© 2014, 2000 by B&M Racing & Performance Products
This B&M C-4 Deep Pan has been
designed to work on most Ford C-4
transmissions. It has been engineered
to increase capacity as well as add
rigidity to the case. Please check the
parts and tool list at the end of these
instructions before you begin the install
of your B&M C-4 Deep Pan.
Installation can be accomplished by
anyone with minimal mechanical
The B&M C-4 Deep Pan can be in-
stalled in an hour or two by carefully
following the instructions. Read all in-
structions first to familiarize yourself
with the parts and procedures. This kit
contains all the parts necessary to in-
stall the deep pan. NOTE: Automatic
transmissions reach temperatures
up to 250°F. Let the transmission
cool thoroughly to avoid hot oil
burns. The vehicle should be off the
ground for ease of installation. Jack
stands, wheel ramps or a hoist will
work fine. MAKE SURE THE VE-
STEP 1. Loosen and remove oil pan
bolts one at a time, working from the
rear towards the front of the transmis-
sion. Loosen the last two bolts slowly
and allow the pan to tilt down to drain
the fluid. 1970 and later vehicles may
be equipped with a dipstick tube
mounted to the pan. If so, loosen it and
allow the fluid to drain. If the pan sticks
to the old gasket, pry it down to break
the seal before removing the last two
STEP 2. Remove (8) or (9) filter screws.
Remove and discard the filter and old
gasket. If you have a 1970 or later
transmission, a small spring and check
valve will drop out when you remove the
filter. DO NOT LOSE THEM (Please
see Figure One).
STEP 3. Use grease to hold check
valve and spring in place and install the
filter extension. On ‘ 67-’ 69 valve bod-
ies install washer and cover plate in
position as shown in Figure Two.
Tighten screws to 2 ft./lbs. Install the
new filter onto filter extension using the
screws and nuts supplied.
STEP 4. Scrape old gasket off pan
surface of case to avoid oil leaks. In-
stall pan and new gasket using bolts
and flat washers supplied. Tighten bolts
to 13 ft./lbs. maximum. Overtightening
bolts will damage gasket and result in
leaks. NOTE: Some shifter brackets
may have to be modified for clearance.
STEP 5. On 1970 and later vehicles
you will notice a tapped hole on the right
front side of the pan. If your dipstick
tube enters at the pan, install special
fitting and tighten securely. If your
dipstick enters the case, install sup-
plied pipe plug into B&M cast pan.
STEP 6. Install drain plug and plug
gasket. Lower vehicle. Add four (4)
quarts of B&M Trick Shift or Type F
ATF. Start engine and shift transmis-
sion through all gear positions. Place
selector in Neutral and check fluid level.
ING. Check for leaks.
Figure One
Check valve
Transfer Plate
Check valve & spring location
Transfer plate