B&M 50442 TORK MASTER 3000 C4 26 SPLINE 10.5 User Manual

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Note: C-4 transmission bellhousings
have two different mounting designs.
1. Flared case: The bellhousing bolts
directly to the transmission case with
5 bolts and the oil pump bolts are
separate. (See Fig. 5) The case flares
out to meet the bellhousing.
2. Pump Mount: The bellhousing bolts
to the transmission with the same
bolts that hold the oil pump. (See Fig.
6) There is a 1/4" gap between the case
and the bellhousing.
Caution: Do not use a 10.50" bolt
circle torque converter with a flared
case bellhousing C-4. Do not use an
11.40" bolt circle converter with Pump
Mount bellhousing C-4. Improper pilot
hub or oil pump engagement will result
which could damage the transmission
and/or torque converter.
STEP 14. Install flexplate onto crank-
shaft if you have removed or replaced
it. When properly installed, the raised
inner lip on the flexplate crankshaft
diameter is away from the crank-
Install flexplate to crankshaft
bolts and torque to 55 lb. ft.
STEP 15. Install B&M torque converter
against crankshaft and flexplate. The
converter should fit the crank snugly
with no excessive slop. A tight fit may
indicate burrs or rust in the pilot diam-
eter of the crank. This can be cleaned
with some emery paper or a file. If your
flexplate is new or in good condition the
converter may not contact the flexplate
before it bottoms in the crankshaft. A
1/16 - 1/8" gap is normal. When the
flexplate to converter bolts are tight-
ened the flexplate will bow backwards
slightly and hold the torque converter
against the crankshaft. Make sure
flexplate clears any drain plugs on
STEP 16. Remove the front pump seal
in the transmission and replace with
the new seal supplied with the con-
verter. Lubricate the seal with ATF or
white grease. Pour one quart of B&M
Trick Shift ATF into the B&M torque
converter so there will be some lubrica-
tion on initial start-up. While Trick Shift
is superior in lubrication, heat capacity
and friction material performance, if
Trick Shift is unavailable be sure to use
Ford Type F fluid.
STEP 17. Install B&M torque converter
onto transmission. Push and rotate

converter to engage input shaft, stator
shaft and oil pump rotors. Place a
straightedge across the face of the
transmission bellhousing. Measure the
distance from the face of the bellhousing
to the base of the torque converter drive
stud. (See Fig. 7) The base of the stud
must be at least 13/16" (4 cyl-351 V-8)
or 1-1/8" (360 Larger-V-8)
inside the
A measurement of less
than 13/16" (4 cyl-351 V-8) or 1-1/8"
(360-Larger V-8) indicates the torque
converter is not fully engaged in the
transmission, except torque convert-
ers specially built for motor plate appli-
cations. (Subtract the thickness of
your motor plate from the 13/16" or 1-1/
8" dimension for proper measurement.)
Continue to rotate and turn the con-
verter to obtain full engagement. If you
install the transmission without full
converter engagement, you will
damage the oil pump and/or con-
STEP 18.
Place transmission in posi-
tion on transmission jack. Be sure the
jack supports the transmission on a
wide area so you don’t crush the pan.
Align converter drive studs with holes in
flexplate. Install transmission/torque
converter against engine. Transmis-
sion should engage dowel pins and sit
flat against the engine block with hand
pressure only. If the transmission will
not sit flat against the engine, the con-
verter is not installed into the transmis-
sion all the way or there is some inter-

ference problem. Do not attempt to
pull the transmission up against the
engine with the bellhousing bolts
as this can cause transmission and/
or torque converter damage.
STEP 19.
Once the transmission is in
position against the engine, install trans-
mission bellhousing bolts and tighten
25-30 lb.ft. At this point, the torque
converter should be free to move back
and forth slightly. A tight converter
indicates improper pump engagement,
badly burred crankshaft, distorted
flexplate or flexplate stud holes not
drilled to size. This condition must
be corrected before going any fur-
STEP 20.
Inspect rubber transmission
mount. Worn, cracked or oil soaked
transmission and/or engine mounts
should be replaced. Raise transmis-
sion and install crossmember and trans-
mission mount bolts securely. Install
starter motor in place. Install starter
bolts and tighten securely. Connect
neutral safety switch on vehicles with
switch mounted on transmission.
STEP 21. Install four flexplate to con-
verter nuts. Use the starter motor to
“bump” each stud into position. Tighten
3/8" - 24 23 - 28 lb.ft.
7/16" - 20 26 - 32 lb.ft.

Install converter access cover and
tighten bolts 30-60

C-4 Flared case

C-4 Flared case 289, 302,


Figure 5

C-4 Step case

C-4 Step case 289, 302,


Figure 6