B&M 20261 SHIFT IMPROVER KIT User Manual

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4-20 bolts. Tighten bolts FINGER
for now. Remove the pan bolt
you used to hold the plate and gasket
in place.
STEP 12. Insert the governor tubes into
the valve body (See Fig. 5). Lay the
lower valve body gasket (has “VB”
punched in it) into position on valve
body (use grease or petroleum jelly to
hold it in place). Make sure the manual
valve is in its bore. Install valve body
onto transmission guiding the governor
tubes into their holes at the rear of
case. Push up on valve body and tubes
and engage the manual valve on the
internal shift linkage pin. Install one
bolt to hold valve body in place.
STEP 13. Install all the valve body bolts
finger tight. Make sure the detent
spring is in position and riding on the
internal shift lever (See fig. 4). Make
sure the manual valve is engaged with
the internal shift lever pin. Tighten all
valve body and solenoid bolts to 8-10
lb.ft. (11-13.6 Nm). Route the white
spark control wire and connect to pres-
sure switch on valve body. Check op-
eration of manual valve by running range
selector through all gear positions.
STEP 14. Inspect your filter for dam-
age or clogging. If it has more than
20,000 miles on it we recommend it be
replaced. For longer transmission life
and improved pump operation install
B&M Filter Service Kit No. 20287.
STEP 15. Install two (2) filter O-rings
on filter pick-up tube (See Fig. 12).
Lubricate O-rings with clean ATF then
push pick-up tube and filter assembly
up into transmission, install spacer (if
present) and shoulder bolt then torque
to 8-10 lb.ft. (11-13.6 Nm).
STEP 16. Clean oil pan and scrape off
any old gasket material from pan and
case. You may want to install a B&M
Drain Plug kit
before installing the
pan. The drain plug kit will help elimi-
nate the mess when changing trans-
mission oil. Install pan and new gasket
and torque bolts 8-10 lb.ft (11-13.6
STEP 17. Add 4 quarts of fresh ATF.
Dexron II is fine for Heavy Duty Level
applications, however we recommend
B&M Trick Shift for Street Level for
firm positive shifts and improved trans-
mission life. With the vehicles wheels
still off the ground, start the engine and

Figure 10









Solenoid: Check to
make sure rubber seal
is in good condition

Drill orifice to 5/32"
(.156") hole in this posi-
tion for street level only.

Figure 9