Canon AE-1 User Manual

Page 72

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The Cenon AE-1 represents a lendmerk in

the history ot SLR (Single* Lens* Ref I

Up to now. electronic corttrol in SLR

cameras was limited, for example, to the

mechanism that decides exposure, but the
AE'I is the first camera in the world to

ineorporatc a CPU (Central Proces$»f



by means of which automatic exposure,
memoery, transmission of sipr^als. display,
regulation of time and completion signal are
all electronically controlled. It is an entirely
new kind of SLR camera.

A high degree of automation has r>ot been

restricted only to the camera. It extends to
the various accessories with the same standard

of precision.

The AE*1 is the first camera to offer a

totally automated electronic photographic

system. It takes its name. AE*1, from this






Cornerstorse of the Entire Design

Automation in the AE1 was made

possible by the application of the latest

electronic technology, after a thorough
analysis of all mechanisms and their
os>eration. The important mecharrical features
made way for the electronic or>es. thus

changing the very essence of the camera's

As a result, a miniature computer (CPUl

was successfully incorporated in the AE*I for

the first time in the woitd to compute, vudge.
control, display ar>d regulate required in*

Adoption of the Most Advanced Ele­

ctronic Technology

The I^L (Integrated Injection Logic), as

far as its applications in photography are

cor>cerr>ed, is the most outstanding achieve*

ment in electronics up to date. An LSI digital

circuit with extremely high properties of

accumulation, an operational amplifier, a
circuit with full use of an ar\alog switch, a
hyperbolic fufKtion resistance using both

thick and thin film technology, an analog*

digital convertor, artd the proper ir>terfaces.

together with their construction and arrange*

ment in modular form, represent techno*
logicai breakthroughs that go well beyond the