Canon AE-1 User Manual

Page 24

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Checking Film Winding

Operate the film advance kver while*

wetching the film rewir>d krK>b. H it rotates,
the film is properly loaded. If the rewir>d
knob does not rotate, open the back cover

and load the film again from the start.


Setting the ASA Film Speed

After loading the film, set the ASA film

speed according lo the ASA speed of the film
in use. To set the ASA. lint push the film

advance lever out to its 30^ starxf’Off position
away from the camera body, thert lift up the
ASA ring around the shutter dial ar>d rotate it
in either direction until the proper number i$

aligned with the green irxiex mark. ASA is a
numerical ratirsgof a film's sensitivity to light.
A higher ASA number indicates a faster film
which is more sensitive to light. On the other
hand, a lower ASA number indicates a slower
film which is less sensitive to light. The ASA

rating recommended by the manufacturer is
printed on the film box. e.g.. ASA 100.