Canon AE-1 User Manual

Page 26

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Film Advance and Shutter Release

Turn the film advance lever until it stops»

so the film will advance one frame all in one
motk>n. The shutter will cock» and the dia*
phragm and mirror will be ready for the next

shutter release, while the frame counter
advances simultaneously to the r>ext number.

By pushirsg the film advarsce lever lightly with

the tip of your thumb» it will open to its

30"^ stand*off position away from the camera

body for easy film advance.
While the film is advancing, the shutter will

not be released. Film wir>diog can also be ac*
complished by advancir^ the lever in short

Car>on has developed the Power Winder A

to be used with the AE-1 for automatic film

winding. It greatly increases the automation

and mobility of the AE*1. (See page 6U

Shuner Button Lock