Canon AE-1 User Manual

Page 60

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Distance Scale

The disieoce scale is for distances

measured from the film plane. This scale is
not generally used except for confirming the

depth*of*field. performing guide number
calculations in flash photography« or photo­
graphing with infrared film.

Read i^enjigit distances in the middle of

the number marked on the scale. Two-digit

distances should be read at the point in the

middle of the two digits.

DoptfK)f-Field Scale

You can determirw the depth*of*field by

checking the depth*of*lield scale and the

distance scale on the lens barrel. Both are
closely interrelated.

Infrared Irsdex Mark

The red dot infrared index mark engraved

on the lens barrel is a focusing correction

index mark for infrared film. Because infrared
light rays have longer wavelengths, they focus
on a plane slightly behind that of ordinary

visible l»ght rays. Therefore, it is necessary to

slightly modify the normal method of focus­
ing the lerH. After focusing the same as usual«

note the tiny red dot engraved on the lem


fo % %

to the right of the distance index

and turn the focusing ring slightly to align the