Cisco 3545 MCU User Manual

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Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3545 MCU Releases 5.6 adn 5.7


Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3545 MCU

How to Perform the Initial MCU Configuration

For a Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) environment, the IP address of the Trivial File Transfer
Protocol (TFTP) server or Cisco Unified Communications Manager from which you want the MCU
and EMP to get configuration information

Subnet mask for the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3545 MCU if applicable.

Domain Name Server and domain name for Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU unit if

PC with available serial port and terminal emulator software installed, such as HyperTerminal.

RS-232 terminal cable (shipped with the unit).


Step 1

Connect the RS-232 terminal cable to the PC terminal.

Step 2

Connect the power cable.

Step 3

Start the terminal emulation application on the PC.

Step 4

Set the communication settings in the terminal emulation application on the PC as follows:

Baud rate: 9600

Data bits: 8

Parity: None

Stop bits: 1

Flow control: None

Step 5

Turn on the power to the MCU.

A log of the auto-boot events appears on the computer.

Step 6

When the message “Press any key to start configuration” appears on the screen, press any key within 6

The network configuration Main menu appears as follows:

Press any Key To start configuration...

Main menu

N: Configure default network port values

P: Change the configuration software password

S: Configure network security level

T: Configure TFTP servers list

A: Advanced configuration menu

Q: Quit


Step 7

At the prompt, enter N to configure default network port values and press Enter.

Step 8

At the Enter IP address for default interface prompt, enter the IP address you want to assign to the MCU
and press Enter.


Do not use leading zeros in the IP address.

Step 9

At the Enter Default Router IP Address prompt, enter the IP address of the router associated with the
segment in which the unit will be installed and press Enter.