Lease calculations, Example: calculating a lease payment – HP 10B User Manual

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0 (FV]




Stores number of


Stores balance of account

after 50 years.

Calculates amount that

you can withdraw at the

beginning of each month.

Lease Calculations

A lease is a loan of valuable properly (Икс real estate, automobiles, or

equipment) for a specific amount of lime, in exchange for regular pay*

mcnls. Some leases arc written as purchase agreements, with an option to

buy at the end of the (sometimes for as little as Sl.OO). The defined

future value (Fl^ of the property at the end of a lease is sometimes called

the “residual value” or “buy out value.'


All five TVM application keys can be used in lease calculations. There arc

two common lease calculations.

■ Finding the lease payment necessary to achieve a specified yield.

■ Finding the present value (capitalized value) of a lease.

The first payment on a lease usually occurs at the beginning of the first

period. Thus, most calculations use Begin mode.

Example: Calculating a Lease Payment.

A customer wishes to

lease a $13,500 car for three years. The lease includes an option to buy

the car for $7,500 at the end of the lease. The first monthly payment is

due the day the customer drives the car off the lot. If you want to yield

14% annually, compounded monthly, what will the payments be? Calcu­

late the payments from your (the dealer’s) point of view.


5: Tim« Vatu« of 1У1опеу Calculations