Sony MHC-RXD7AV User Manual

Page 41

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Tape Deck


The tape does not record.

• No tape in the cassette holder.
• The tab has been removed from the

cassette (see "To save a tape
permanently" on page 38).

• The tape has reeled to the end.

The tape does not record nor play or there

is a decrease in sound ievel.

• The heads are dirty. Clean them (see

"Qeatting the tape heads" on page 39).

• The record/playback heads are

magnetized. Demagnetize them (see
"Demagnetizing the tape heads" on page

The tape does not erase completely.

• The record/playback heads are

magnetized. Demagnetize them (see
"Demagnetizing the tape heads" on page

There is excessive wow or flutter, or the
sound drops out

• The capstans or pinch rollers are dirty.

Qean them (see "aeatting the tape
heads" on page 39).

Noise increases or the high frequencies are

• The record/playback heads are

magnetized. Demagnetize them (see
"Demagnetizing the tape heads" on page


After pressing ► (-^) or there is a
mechanical noise, 'EJECT' appears in the
display, and the unit enters standby mode

• The cassette tape was not inserted

correctly. Eject the tape and turn the
system back on.

Severe hum or noise ('TUNED" or
'STEREO' flashes in the display).

• Adjust the antenna.
• The signal strength is too weak. Connect

the external antenna.

A stereo FM program cannot be received in

• Press STEREO/MONO so that "STEREO"


If Other troubles not described
above occur, reset the system as



Unplug the power cord.

2 Plug the power cord back in.
3 Press l/C!) to turn on the power.


Press ■ and l/Cl) at the same time.

The system is reset to the factory settings. All
the settings you made, such as ¿le preset
stations, clock, and timer are cleared. You
should set them again.