Sony IJP-V100 User Manual
Page 14
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Read these questions:
Circle your answers:
Do \ou subscribe to a dislinclisc ring
ser\ ice through yotir telephone company on
tlie same phone line to which you connected
your Sony IJP-VlOO (in Step 3)7
(This telephone service, which is unavailable
in many areas, allows you to have 2 or 3
phone numbers on the same phone line. Each
number has a ring with a different pattern so
you can tell the difference between incornine
Circle A or B below, then read
what to do next.
A .
No. I don't base a dislinclisc
ring ser\ ice.
Conlimw with question 2.
B. Yes. 1 have a distinctive ring
You (Ion't need to answer any
more (luestions: skip direetly to
"Shared line with distinetive
riny" later in this ehapter for
eonnection instructions.
Is the Sony IJP-V100 connected to a
separate phone line that's dedicated to send
ing and receiving }'our fax calls (no voice
calls received)?
Circle C or
below, then read
what to do next.
Ye.s. the Sony IJP-V 100 will
be connected to a dedicated line.
Skip to question 4.
D .
No. the Sony IJP-V 100 will
be connected to a shared phone
line that receives both fax and
voice calls.
Continue with question
0 Do you use an answering machine or a
voicemail feature in your computer to answer
voice calls on your shared phone line?
Circle E, F, or G below, then
continue with question 4.
I use an answering machine.
I use a voicemail feature in my
G. I use neither an answering
machine nor a voicemail
feature in my computer.
O Do you have a modem - either inside
your computer or an external box - on the
same phone line you’ll be using for the Sony
IJP-V 100?
(If you’re not sure if you have a modem,
refer to the following section, “How to tell if
you have a modem,’’ before answering this
Circle H,
below. Then
refer to "How should you
connect?" to match all of your
responses in this column to the
right setup scenario.
Yes, I have a modem inside
my computer.
I. Yes, I have a modem that’s an
external box.
No; I don’t have any kind of