Taylor-Wharton EasyCarb User Manual
Page 12

Contents Gauge Installation.
Before installing a new or repaired gauge, inspect the gasket, if any damage is
apparent replace.
When inserting the gauge assembly, lower the float rod through the gauge
opening until about 8 in. (203 mm) of the float rod remains above the container.
Grasp the upper portion of the float rod with two fingers so that the assembly
hangs free and “plumb”.
Lower the assembly about 4 in. (102 mm) slowly and try to keep the rod in the
center of the threaded entrance hole as you do. If you are careful during this
portion of insertion, you will drop the float rod straight through the guide ring
inside the container.
To confirm that the rod is correctly positioned in the container, stop where you
can still grasp the top of the rod and try to swing the lower end from side to side.
When the rod is engaged in the guide ring, the rod will be restricted to lower end
movement of about ½ in. (12.7 mm); if you can feel greater movement, withdraw
the rod to the point where its top is 8 in. (203 mm) above the gauge opening and
try again.
When you are satisfied that the gauge rod is correctly installed, lower the assem-
bly the rest of the way into the container until the top portion threads can be
Screw the gauge in place and hand torque to about 20 ft. lbf (2.8 kgf m). Leak
check the connection of gauge body to the flange, and replace the protective
Replacing the Full View Contents Gauge
The easycarb™ must be empty of liquid carbon dioxide before attempting to remove
the contents gauge, or the contents will solidify. Remove all pressure from container
and remove the clear protective cover by removing three (3) screws at its base.
Unscrew gauge body using a wrench on the hex fitting at the base of indicator tube.
Lift the entire gauge assembly free of the container. The gauge assembly is long and
may be very cold. Gloves should be used to protect your skin.
When installing the gauge
assembly, care must be taken
to ensure that the float rod is
inserted through the “guide
ring” located on the fill line
inside the container. If the
gauge does not engage this
ring, the contents indication
will be inaccurate, or the
gauge may be damaged in