Dell OptiPlex Gxi User Manual

Page 106

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Dell OptiPlex GXi Low-Profile Systems Reference and Installation Guide

No Configuration Man-

The device driver needed by
the ICU is corrupted or is
not correctly configured.

Verify that the following device statement
appears in your config.sys file:







In this statement, drive and directory represent the
drive and directory where the driver resides. The
default is



At least one Plug and
Play card in your sys-
tem is not configured
due to conflicts.
These are marked “con-
fig err” in the list
of configured cards.

Due to conflicts, the
ICU could only config-
ure some Plug and Play
cards in your system.
Unconfigured cards are
marked “config err” in
the list of configured

The Configuration Manager
or the ICU cannot configure
at least one Plug and Play
expansion card because of
resource conflicts with one
or more cards.

You must reconfigure the conflicting card(s).
To find the conflicting card, perform the fol-
lowing steps:


Select the Plug and Play expansion card
marked with

config err

, and then click

the Modify button.

The Card Configuration dialog box dis-
plays the functions assigned to the Plug
and Play expansion card.


Select a function and then click the Set-
tings button. Click the Cancel button if
the ICU does not display a message naming
the conflicting card.


Repeat step 2 until the ICU displays a
message box naming the conflicting card
and the resource(s) in conflict. See the
following table entry for an explanation
of this message box.

This device is un-
configurable because
of a resource conflict
with card card_name.
The conflicting
resource is
resource_name. To fix,
reconfigure the con-
flicting card.

The selected card is un-
configurable because one of
its resources is already being
used by another device.

Perform the following procedure:


Make a note of the card name and the
type of conflicting resource.


Follow the procedure in “Modifying a
Card” in Chapter 3, and change the
value for


used by



Table B-1. Configuration Utility Messages



Probable Cause

Corrective Action

NOTE: For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this table, see the Glossary in the online System User’s Guide.