Ethernet rs-232/422 com module: cen-com, Description, Functional description – Crestron electronic RS-232/42 User Manual
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Crestron CEN-COM Ethernet
Ethernet RS-232/422 COM
Module: CEN-COM
Functional Description
The CEN-COM is an Ethernet device with two independent bidirectional serial ports
that can support either asynchronous RS-232 or RS-422-based communication. The
unit enables a system to overcome the distance limitations of RS-232/RS-422
communication. All signals are monitored/controlled via 10BASE-T Ethernet using
standard Internet protocols.
Both ports of the CEN-COM may be used to control a wide variety of RS-232 or
asynchronous RS-422 controlled equipment. A variety of communications
parameters are supported. Valid parameters are as follows.
• Baud rates may be one of the following possible rates: 300, 1200,
1800, 2400, 3600, 4800, 6100, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800,
38400, 57600, and 115200.
• Parity may be even, odd, none, or zero stick (parity bit always 0). When
specifying the parity use E, O, N, or Z, respectively.
• Data bits may be 7 or 8.
• Stop bits may be 1 or 2.
• Both XON/XOFF handshaking and RTS/CTS handshaking are
supported. XON/XOFF handshaking may be supported by specifying
XON (for both transmit and receive), XONR (for receive only), or
XONT (for transmit only). XON/XOFF and RTS/CTS handshaking are
mutually exclusive in the CEN-COM. If both are enabled, RTS/CTS is
used. If CTS handshaking is enabled, the CTS line is monitored by the
CEN-COM. The CTS line can also be enabled as a digital input to the
control system; the RTS line can be enabled as a digital output.
• Specify RS422 for standard if RS-422 compatible levels must be
• Break of any length can be generated.
Operations Guide - DOC. 5719
Ethernet RS-232/422 COM Module: CEN-COM
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