Version, Ping, Reboot – Crestron electronic RS-232/42 User Manual

Page 15: System

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Crestron CEN-COM Ethernet




Refer to the table after this paragraph for examples of valid commands.

Valid “port” Commands




Shows specs for both COM ports.

port 1,9600,N81

Sets COM A to 9600, no parity, no
handshake, no pacing, and mode is NONE.

port 1,NONE,RS232,9600,N81,pacing 0

Sets COM A to 9600, no parity, no
handshake, no pacing, and mode is NONE.

port 2,CIP,RS422,19200,E71

Sets COM B to 19200, RS-422 type, even
parity, 7 bits, 1 stop, and accepts CIP
commands only.

port 1, DISABLE

Disables COM A.


Entering the “version” command provides the firmware version currently running
within the connected CEN-COM.


Enter the “ping” command followed by an IP address to verify that the connected
CEN-COM can successfully communicate packets via the Ethernet port.


Entering the “reboot” command permits the user to perform the software equivalent
of cycling power to the connected CEN-COM. This is used to allow changes in the
settings to take effect.


CAUTION: Avoid losing or disconnecting power while a system upgrade is in
progress. Doing so can result in complete loss of system firmware.

Entering the “system” command while using the 1K-xmodem permits the user to
upgrade the firmware residing in the connected CEN-COM. Avoid losing or
disconnecting power while the flash is being reprogrammed. Burn in takes
approximately one minute. After burn in, the CEN-COM reboots. The following
procedure provides the details of this command.

1 Type

system and depress ENTER.

2 Viewport responds with “Start XMODEM xmit now” on one line and

proceeds to display one “C” after another.

3 While the Cs are appearing, select General File Transfer |

XModem1K Upload from the File Transfer command.

4 From the “Open” window, browse and highlight the upload file (*.bin).

Click on OK.

Operations Guide - DOC. 5719

Ethernet RS-232/422 COM Module: CEN-COM