Xdsl with pppoe – Dell 2300 Wireless Broadband Router User Manual
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will reboot with the default settings and the setup should complete at this point.
Information: The Wireless Broadband Router is configured by default with the following settings:
The Cable/xDSL interface is configured with the DHCP client enabled.
The Local Area Network and Wireless interfaces are configured with the DHCP server enabled.
No user name, password, computer name, or workgroup name are enabled.
This configuration will work properly with a cable modem provider that does not require authentication.
xDSL with PPPoE
1. Connect the Ethernet port on the DSL modem to the Internet port on the router via an Ethernet cable.
2. Connect any one of the four LAN port on the router to the Ethernet port on your computer via another Ethernet cable.
(Connect to the router from your PC with a wireless network adapter.)
3. Power on the router.
4. Open your web browser and go to
5. Click the Basic Settings tab on the top navigation bar.
6. Click the CABLE/xDSL ISP Settings tab on the left navigation bar.
7. Check the Your ISP requires you to input username/password (PPPoE Settings) box.
8. Enter the user name provided to you by your ISP in the User Name box.
9. Enter your password in the Password and Retype Password boxes.
10. If your ISP requires you to provide a MAC address, check the Your ISP requires you to input WAN Ethernet Mac box.
11. Enter the address in the appropriate box.
12. Click the Next button.
13. Click the Save & Restart button.
14. Note the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
15. While the Wireless Broadband Router resets, the Power light on the front of the unit blinks.
16. When your web browser returns to the main page of the Wireless Broadband, the device has successfully restarted with
the new settings.