Dell PowerEdge 1600SC User Manual
Page 34

local bus
On a system with local-bus expansion capability, certain peripheral devices (such as the video adapter circuitry) can be designed to run much faster than they
would with a traditional expansion bus. Some local-bus designs allow peripherals to run at the same speed and with the same width data path as the
system's microprocessor.
The device names for the first through third parallel printer ports on your system are LPT1, LPT2, and LPT3.
Abbreviation for meter(s).
Abbreviation for milliampere(s).
Abbreviation for milliampere-hour(s).
math coprocessor
See coprocessor.
Abbreviation for megabit.
Abbreviation for megabyte(s). The term megabyte means 1,048,576 bytes; however, when referring to hard drive storage, the term is often rounded to mean
1,000,000 bytes.
Abbreviation for megabytes per second.
Abbreviation for megabits per second.
Abbreviation for master boot record.
A system can contain several different forms of memory, such as RAM, ROM, and video memory. Frequently, the word memory is used as a synonym for RAM;
for example, an unqualified statement such as "a system with 16 MB of memory" refers to a system with 16 MB of RAM.
memory address
A specific location, usually expressed as a hexadecimal number, in the system's RAM.