Dell B3465dnf Mono Laser Multifunction Printer User Manual
Page 51

importing a configuration using the
Embedded Web Server 43
installing certificates
automatically 6
installing certificates manually 5
job expiration settings
configuring 21
jobs are not held at printer 40
jobs print immediately 40
Kerberos configuration file
installing 12
Kerberos configuration file not
uploaded 28
Kerberos file not properly
formatted 29
Kerberos settings
configuring 12
Kerberos setup 12
Kerberos ticket
using with Scan to Network 19
krb5.conf file
installing 12
LDAP lookups fail 41
license error 42
licensing applications 44
locking home screen icons 10
locking the home screen 9
login screen settings
configuring 11
automatic 5
manual login domains 12
manual login settings
configuring 12
missing Kerberos realm 31
Network Time Protocol settings
configuring 6
no encryption certificates could be
found for any of the addresses you
entered 38
no jobs available for user 40
no signing certificate is available to
sign your e
‑mail 37
NTP settings
configuring 6
OCSP certificate not configured 33
OCSP responder certificates do not
match 35
OCSP responder connection
error 34
OCSP responder URL not
configured 33
OCSP validation 12
overview 4
panel login timeout
changing 5
print and hold
enabling 25
print job expiration settings
configuring 21
print release options
configuring 21
printer e
‑mail settings
configuring 15
printer functions
securing 10
printing held jobs 25
realm must be in uppercase 31
realm on card not found 31
releasing held print jobs 25
repeat print jobs 21, 25
reserve print jobs 21, 25
reverse DNS lookups
disabling 14
revoked certificate error 33
scan settings
for e-mail 15
Scan to Network
securing access to the
application 19
using a Kerberos ticket for
authentication 19
scanning documents at the
printer 24
secure e
securing access to the
application 18
using from the printer 23
Secure Print Jobs Release
configuring 21
securing access to the
application 21
using from the printer 25
securing access to Scan to
Network 19
securing access to Secure Print Jobs
Release 21
securing access to the address
book 18
securing applications 10
securing home screen icons 10
securing printer functions 10
securing the home screen 9
securing the idle screen 9
security certificates
security template
Send me a copy is not available 39
sending e
‑mail 23
session user ID
configuring 14
setting up a security template 8
setting up group authorization 8
signing certificate could not be
retrieved 36
signing certificate not available 37
signing certificate not found 37
simple Kerberos setup 12
SMTP settings
configuring 15
TCP/IP settings
configuring 6
the e
‑mail cannot be sent because
encryption certificates could not be
found for any recipients 38
the e
‑mail cannot be sent because
your signing certificate could not be
found 37
automatic 5