Significance of parameter „a – Baumer N 150 User Manual

Page 12

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N 150


Significance of parameter „a“

Positioning direction
Positioning direction
This parameter defines the direction the target is aimed for. Tolerances that occur for example at cogwheels,
joints, shafts etc during a precise positioning operation requires a tolerance compensation. The tolerance
compensation is proceeded by aiming for the target position always from the same direction utilizing so-called
loops. Loops mean that the target position is first crossed by a defined distance and then aimed for again from the
opposite direction. The parameter for the crossing distance is programmed by command “b”. Whether a loop is
required or not is indicated by the arrows in the display. A flashing arrow means tolerance compensation required.
Upon reaching the turning point the direction changes and the arrow stops flashing. Targets allowing direct
positioning are marked by a non-flashing arrow. Upon achieving the target within the programmed tolerances (see
command “b”) the arrows will not disappear until the required tolerance compensation has been completed.

00 = Up

Direct positioning if target position > current position; otherwise proceed tolerance compensation

01 = Down

Direct positioning if target position < current position; otherwise proceed tolerance compensation

Counting mode
This parameter assigns either „ascending“ or „descending” counted values in relation to the shaft’s direction of
rotation. Following parameters are available:

00 = Up

Clockwise rotation, ascending counted values

01 = Down

Clockwise rotation, descending counted values

This parameter relates to the arrows in the display that indicate the operator the direction (to the right or to the left)
of the new positioning operation. Following parameters are available:

00 = Up

If current value < target = arrow to the right; actual value > target = arrow to the left

01 = Down

As „Up“, but inverted arrows direction

10 = Uni

If actual value ≠ target arrows ever indicated

11 = Off

Arrows ever hidden

Rounding the actual value
This means that the actual value being within the tolerances but still differing from the target is rounded up or
down to the target value as soon as the shaft remains idle for approx. 3 seconds. The rounding operation is only
visualized, the true internal actual value remains unchanged. For actual value readout by serial interface
(command “R”) the true, not rounded actual position value is provided. The true actual value will immediately
reappear on the display upon key actuation. If the position is still within the tolerance window the rounding
operation will be repeated after 3 seconds.
Note: In operating mode „Suppress target = Ever“ the target is deactivated and the SPA serves as pure actual
value display with disabled rounding function. The following parameters are available:

0 = Off

Round actual value disabled

1 = On

Round actual value enabled

Turn display
This parameter is utilized to turn the display by 180°.

0 = Off

Display readout with standard mounting, i.e. display above keypad

1 = On

Display readout with inverted mounting, i.e. display below keypad

The command „U“ is utilized for programming the offset that is added to actual value and actual target. This
parameter defines whether the offset is considered in the calculation.

0 = Off

Offset disabled. Any offset previously transmitted is NOT added neither to actual value nor target.

1 = On

Offset enabled. The offset is added to actual value and actual target.

Suppress target
This parameter defines when to indicate the target in the upper line of the display.

0 = On

Target indicated if target ≠ current value.

1 = Off

Target ever indicated, also if target = current value. Indicate arrows too if target ≠ current value.

2 = Ever

Target and arrows ever suppressed.