Terminal assignment and commissioning – Baumer GXP8W User Manual

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Baumer IVO GmbH & Co. KG




9. Terminal assignment and commissioning

9.1. Mechanical


• Mount the encoder housing using the fastening holes on the flange side with three screws (square flange

with 4 screws), paying attention to the thread diameter and thread depth.

• Alternatively, the encoder can be mounted in any angular position by using three eccentric fastenings –

see accessories.

• Connect the drive shaft and encoder shaft using a suitable coupling. The ends of the shafts must not be

touching. The coupling must be capable of compensating for displacement due to temperature and
mechanical backlash. Pay attention to the admissible axial or radial shaft loads. For suitable connecting
devices, see under accessories.

• Tighten the fastening screws.

9.2. Electrical


9.2.1. Setting the user address
Setting the user address (MAC-ID ) is carried out by the object „DeviceNet“. (class 3) and has to be
configurated by the service SET ATTRIBUTE SINGLE to class 3, entity 1, attribute 1.

Non-volatile storage is carried out automatically (without additional SAVE service)

Default :


valid values:


9.2.2. Setting the Baudrate
Setting the Baud rate is carried out by the object „DeviceNet“. (class 3) and has to be configurated by the
service SET ATTRIBUTE SINGLE to class 3, entity 1, attribute 2.

Non-volatile storage is carried out automatically (without additional SAVE service)

Default: 0 = 125 kBaud

Valid values

0 = 125 kBaud

1 = 250 kBaud

2 = 500 kBaud