Hudson Robotics SoftLinx 5.0 User Manual
Page 42

statement that checks the RapidPick.EmptyWells variable to see if we even need to replace the target
Place a move plate step, directed at the plate sealer, and a parallel process activity labeled "Seal old plate,
load new plate." as shown below.
Next, expand the "Seal Old Plate..." process. We need to run simultaneous actions here. We are going to
simultaneously seal the old plate, while preparing the new plate, if a source plate is still available with
colonies to be picked. The steps of sealing the old plate are as follows:
- Run the sealing program on the plate just placed there.
- Move the plate to a final destination.
The steps of preparing the next plate should be the same as in the initial plate setup region:
- Move a new target plate to the Micro 10.
- Run a dispensing program on the new target plate.
- Move the new target plate to the Rapid Pick.
As these are two separate processes, we can split them in a parallel process, as shown here: