Hudson Robotics SoftLinx 5.0 User Manual

Page 11

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Paste - Places the copied steps onto a selected location. (Ctrl + V)

Delete - Removes the selected steps from the protocol. (Delete key)

Manage Instruments - Opens the

Instrument Manager

. (Alt + F10)

Access VBA Code Script - Open the script of the VBA step in its own IDE.

(Alt + F11)

Manage Protocol Variables - Opens the

Protocol Variable Manager


Time Constraints - Opens the

Time Constraint

manager for a specific step.

Run Protocol - Starts execution of the currently visible protocol. (F5)

Pause Protocol - Pauses the currently visible protocol only. Pausing does not pause all protocols.

Pressing Play resumes the protocol. (Space Bar)

Stop protocol - Stops and terminates the currently visible protocol, if it is running.

Show/Hide Protocol Comments - Expands/Hides all steps' comment boxes, which are located on

all steps. Comment boxes allow users to add additional notes to each step.

About - Shows information about this program, including version numbers of SoftLinx and all installed

Help - Opens this help file. (F1)