Running the protocol – Hudson Robotics SoftLinx 5.0 User Manual
Page 14

Running the Protocol
Protocol execution is controlled by using the three buttons in the taskbar:
These buttons will only control the currently visible protocol. Any other protocols running from other
unselected tabs, or from other programs, will not be affected by these buttons.
The play button will only be active when the current protocol is stopped or paused. The pause button will
only be active when the current protocol is running. The stop button will be active when the current
protocol is running or paused. SoftLinx V protocols may run simultaneously.
Protocol Execution:
Once a protocol is saved and verified, users may execute the protocol. Users may either click Play on the
taskbar or press F5.
Hitting the Run command will do the following, in order:
- Ask the user to save the protocol before execution, if the protocol has not been saved since the last
change. If it has, it will confirm execution of this protocol. This is the only confirmation before execution.
- Causes all active instruments, when not currently engaged in a protocol, to activate their startup
procedures. Instruments do this one at a time, not simultaneously. Status messages will be displayed in
the "Messages" box, located at the bottom of the main SoftLinx V window.
- The protocol will then begin execution. Steps will execute sequentially, from top to bottom.
Runtime Options:
While a protocol is running, the user is able to monitor the runtime status of the overall protocol. Protocols
can not be changed while executing. In addition, all protocol messages will be posted to the message log,
located below the protocol frame. Execution of protocols can be interrupted with the pause or stop buttons.