Menu bar – Hudson Robotics SoftLinx 5.0 User Manual

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The protocol editor window is the main SoftLinx V window. Protocols can be viewed, modified, and
executed here. Multiple protocols can be opened and run simultaneously.

All available protocol steps are found in the toolbar on the left, and SoftLinx V system messages are
reported in the Messages window.

Menu Bar:

The menu bar is located at the top of the window. This provides basic functions of the protocol editor

The following commands, with keyboard shortcuts, are accessible to users:

New Protocol - Opens a new tab with an empty protocol. (Ctrl + N)

Open Protocol - Opens a tab with a previously saved protocol. (Ctrl + O)

Save Protocol - Saves the currently viewed protocol to a .SLVP file. If it is a new protocol, the user

must specify a save file name. (Ctrl + S)

Save Protocol As - Saves the currently viewed protocol to a new .SLVP file. The user must specify a

save name. (Ctrl + Shift + S)

Export Protocol - Protocols can be exported as a text file or an image file for documentation purposes.

Protocols exported as a text file (.txt) are saved in an outline format. For example, the protocol above is
saved as the following file:

• Protocol: Prepare Plate Part 1

• Loop steps 15 times.

• Crane.MovePlate - Move Plate from 'Stack1' to 'Micro10x.Nest'

• Micro10x.Dispense - Dispense 50uL to Plate.

• Crane.MovePlate - Move Plate from 'Micro10x.Nest' to 'StackLink.Pos1'

• StackLink.ReturnPlate - Return plate from 'StackLink.Pos1' to StackLink.Stack2

• End Loop

• End Protocol

Protocols that are exported as an image can be saved under the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG,
TIF, and WPD.

Print to Image - Specify a printer and print the current protocol as an image.

Print to Text - Specify a printer and print the current protocol to a text file. The protocol will be printed

in an outline format, just like the Export Protocol Function. (Ctrl + P)

Copy - Copies the selected steps to the clipboard. Does not remove the steps. (Ctrl + C)

Cut - Copies the selected steps to the clipboard. Removes the selected steps from the protocol, if such

steps can be removed. (Ctrl + X)