BMW 760i Sedan 2004 User Manual

Page 87

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At a glance

Driving tips





Briefly press the button again to view the
last display.


Fuel gauge

The fuel gauge display appears automati-
cally once the fuel level falls into the
reserve range. At the same time, the words
"Fuel reserve" appear. The tank still con-
tains approx. 2.6 gallons/10 liters of fuel.

It will not be possible to cancel the
computer display once the fuel level

drops into the reserve range. However, you
can still request a display of the travel
range. Computer, refer to page




Tank capacity: approx. 23.2 gallons/
88 liters. You can find information on refu-
eling on page



If the tilt of the vehicle varies, when you are
driving in mountainous areas, for example,
the indicator may fluctuate slightly.

Refuel well before the tank is empty,
as otherwise engine functions will not

be ensured and damage can occur if you
drive down to the last drop.


Cruising range

Displays the estimated cruising range
available with the remaining fuel. The sys-
tem calculates the cruising range based on
operating conditions and the amount of fuel
remaining in the tank. The basis for the cal-
culations is the average fuel consumption
over the preceding 20 miles/30 km.

Always refuel as soon as possible
once your range falls to below

30 miles/50 kilometers, as otherwise
engine functions are not ensured and dam-
age can occur.


Refueling is only registered by the com-
puter for fuel amounts above approx.
1.3 gallons/5 liters.

Remaining distance

When you enter a destination in the naviga-
tion system or manually enter a distance in
the computer prior to departure, the sys-
tem can also display the distance remain-

ing to your destination, refer to page





The system automatically applies the dis-
tance to your destination using the route
recommended by the navigation system.

When you enter a destination in the
navigation system, any manual

entries will be overwritten no later than
once 1,640 ft/500 meters of the calculated
distance have elapsed.


Energy Control/
Current fuel consumption

Shows the current fuel consumption. This
allows you to see whether your current
driving style is conducive to fuel economy
with minimum exhaust emissions.

Average fuel consumption

The average fuel consumption is calculated
for the time during which the engine is run-

You can use the Control Display to view
your fuel consumption rate over two differ-
ent distances, refer to Computer or Trip

Average speed

Periods with the vehicle parked and the
engine off are not included in the calcula-
tions of average speed.

Time of arrival

A display of your estimated time of arrival is
available whenever you enter a destination
in the navigation system, refer to page



or enter the distance manually in the com-
puter, refer to page


, prior to departure.

A requirement is that you have cor-
rectly set the time in the Control Cen-

ter, refer to page




Displays in the Control Display

You can activate the computer function at
any time by selecting it from the "Car data"

You have two possibilities to display infor-
mation of the computer:

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