Samsung Galaxy S III User Manual

Page 166

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• Lock AllShare Play: allows you to restrict access to AllShare

Play by requiring a user enter the currently active and

associated Samsung account password. Tap Locking

AllShare Play to activate/deactivate the feature.

• Language: allows you select a display language.

• About: displays application information.

• Contact Us: allows you to contact the AllShare team via a new

email from an available email account.

Setting Up Web Storage

SugarSync is a Web storage service that allows you to use up
to 5GB of storage space to store your files and share them on
the “Cloud”.

Note: If you are using another Web storage service, log into

that service first before using AllShare Play.

1. From the Home screen, tap

AllShare Play


2. From the main screen, select

(Add storage) and

then tap on the media that you would like to share.

3. If this is your first time to use the service, set up a new

account by tapping Sign upSugarSync Sign Up.

Note: If you already have a current Sugar Sync account, tap

Sign in.

4. Enter in your Email address and your password.

5. Agree to the terms of service and tap Sign up or Go on

your on-screen keyboard.

Important! After you enter your passwords, do not press

to hide the keyboard. This action erases the
password fields.

6. You can choose to download the SugerSync app or tap

Skip to continue.

7. Once the process is successfully completed, the Web

storage icon or name appears in the Web storage area

of the main screen.

Sharing Media via AllShare Play to a Target


Important! Make sure all communicating devices are

connected to the same Wi-Fi.