Bio-Rad Bio-Plex® Precision Pro™ Human Cytokine Assays User Manual
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Section 1
Precision Pro™ cytokine assays are highly sensitive magnetic
bead-based multiplex assays that allow the accurate measurement of low
levels of cytokines in diverse matrices including serum, plasma, and culture
supernatant. The multiplexing feature makes it possible to quantitate the
level of multiple cytokines in a single well of a 96-well microplate in just
3 hr, using as little as 12.5 µl of serum or plasma, or 50 µl of culture
As one of the most recent additions to the Bio-Plex suspension array
system, these assays incorporate magnetic beads into their design. The
magnetic beads allow the use of an assay protocol similar to non-
magnetic Bio-Plex cytokine assays, with the option of using magnetic
separation of wash steps instead of vacuum filtration (and allows
automation of many of the steps). The 25-bead map in Bio-Plex
Manager™ 4.1 software (or later versions) is required for data acquisition.
These assays are offered in a convenient kit format that includes assay,
reagent, and diluent components in a single box. Standard diluents for
serum and plasma are included, as are additional Iylophilized cytokines
which can be used to prepare user-specified quality controls.
For a current listing of Bio-Plex Precision Pro cytokine assays, visit us on
the Web at