Bio-Rad Bio-Plex® Precision Pro™ Human Cytokine Assays User Manual
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xMAP is a trademark of Luminex Corp.
Costar is a trademark of Coming Costar Corporation. Eppendorf is a trademark of
Eppendorf-Netheler-Hinz GmbH. Luminex 100 and xMAP are trademarks of Luminex
Corporation. Multiscreen is a trademark of Millipore Corporation. Vortex-Genie is a trademark
of Scientific Industries, Inc.
By purchasing this kit, which contains fluorescent labeled microsphere beads authorized by
Luminex, you, the customer, acquire the right under Luminex's patent rights* to use this kit or
any portion of this kit, including without limitation the microsphere beads contained herein, only
with Luminex’s laser-based fluorescent analytical test instrumentation known under the name
of Luminex 100, for example as marketed by Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. in the Bio-Plex
*Including, but not limited to US patent 5,981,180; 6,046,807; 6,057,107.
- TransFectin™ Lipid Reagent (2 pages)
- Gene Pulser MXcell™ Electroporation System (19 pages)
- Gene Pulser MXcell™ Electroporation System (66 pages)
- Gene Pulser Xcell™ Electroporation Systems (83 pages)
- Gene Pulser® Electroporation Buffer (2 pages)
- MicroPulser™ Electroporator (31 pages)
- Helios® Gene Gun System (52 pages)
- PDS-1000 / He™ and Hepta™ Systems (51 pages)
- TGX™ FastCast™ Acrylamide Solutions (2 pages)
- Criterion™ TGX Stain-Free™ Precast Gels (16 pages)
- Criterion Stain Free™ Tris-HCl Gels (96 pages)
- Image Lab™ Software (212 pages)
- Gel Doc™ EZ System (22 pages)
- Mini-PROTEAN® TGX™ Precast Gels (52 pages)
- ChemiDoc™ XRS+ System (50 pages)
- GS-800™ Calibrated Densitometer (444 pages)
- ChemiDoc™ MP System (8 pages)
- Image Lab™ Software (236 pages)
- ChemiDoc™ XRS+ System (42 pages)
- ChemiDoc™ XRS+ System (4 pages)
- Criterion™ TGX™ Precast Gels (60 pages)
- Criterion™ Cell (13 pages)
- Image Lab™ Software (260 pages)
- Criterion™ XT Bis-Tris Precast Gels (26 pages)
- 2-D Electrophoresis Workflow (14 pages)
- PROTEAN® i12™ IEF System (4 pages)
- ReadyPrep™ 2-D Starter Kit (28 pages)
- EXQuest Spot Cutter (81 pages)
- Fluorescent Protein Stains (27 pages)
- 2-D Electrophoresis Workflow (22 pages)
- 2-D Electrophoresis Workflow (20 pages)
- Ready Gel® Zymogram Precast Gels (46 pages)
- Mini-PROTEAN 2-D Electrophoresis Cell (44 pages)
- Precision Plus Protein™ Prestained Standards (3 pages)
- Precision Plus Protein™ Unstained Standards (16 pages)
- Prestained SDS-PAGE Standards (3 pages)
- Unstained SDS-PAGE Standards (3 pages)
- Silver Stains (20 pages)
- Biotinylated Standards (3 pages)
- Biotinylated Standards (11 pages)
- IEF and 2-D Standards (3 pages)
- Mini-PROTEAN 2-D Electrophoresis Cell (20 pages)
- Mini-PROTEAN® Tetra Handcast Systems (10 pages)
- Mini-PROTEAN 3 Multi-Casting Chamber (10 pages)
- PROTEAN® Plus Hinged Spacer Plates and Combs (21 pages)