Bio-Rad Bio-Plex® Precision Pro™ Human Cytokine Assays User Manual
Page 19
4. Select Step 3 (Format Plate) and click on the Plate Formatting tab.
Click on and drag the cursor over all the wells that contain
standards. Then click on and drag the cursor over the wells that
contain blanks. Repeat with to identify all the wells that contain
controls and to identify all the wells that contain samples.
NOTE: If the preset protocol was downloaded, a formatted plate will
already be provided. Make any necessary changes to the preset
formatted plate to match your plate setup.
5. Select Step 4 (Enter Standards Info) to enter standards information.
Note that this information will already be entered with the preset
download protocol.
a) Select each analyte individually from the pull-down cell.
b) Select the Enter Automatically option and then select the most
concentrated value as S1.
c) Enter the concentration of S1 from the product insert provided
with the assay.
d) Enter the dilution factor as 4 and select Calculate. The standards
information will be populated for the selected analyte.
e) Deselect the box for same concentration values for all analytes.
Repeat steps 5a through 5d for each analyte in the assay.
6. Select Step 5 (Enter Controls Info) to enter controls information. This
is where the concentration of the user-specified controls is entered
into the protocol.
a) Select each analyte individually from the pull down cell.
b) Enter the description, concentration, and dilution information for
each user-specified control.
c) Deselect the box for same concentration values for all analytes.
Repeat steps 6a and 6b for each analyte in the assay.
7. Select Step 6 (Enter Sample Info) and enter sample information.