Bio-Rad DCode™ Universal Mutation Detection System User Manual

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Section 1
General Safety Information

1.1 Caution Symbols

Read the manual before using the DCode system. For technical assistance, contact your

local Bio-Rad Office or in the U.S., call Technical Services at 1-800-4BIORAD (1-800-424-6723).
DC power to the DCode system is supplied by an external DC voltage power supply. This power
supply must be ground isolated so that the DC voltage output floats with respect to ground. All Bio-
Rad power supplies meet this important safety requirement. Regardless of which power supply
is used, the maximum specified operating parameters for the system are:

Maximum voltage limit

500 VDC

Maximum power limit

50 watts

AC current for controlling temperature to the system, and DC current for electrophoresis,

provided by the external power supply, enter the unit through the lid assembly, which provides
a safety interlock. DC current to the cell is broken when the lid is removed. Do not attempt to cir-
cumvent this safety interlock. Always disconnect the AC cord from the unit and the cord
from the DC power supply before removing the lid, or when working with the cell.

Definition of Symbols

Caution, risk of electric shock.


Caution, hot surface.

1.2 Precautions During Set-up

Do not use near flammable materials.

Always inspect the DCode system for damaged components before use.

Always place the DCode system on a level bench-top.

Always place the lid assembly on the buffer tank with the AC and DC power cords

Always connect the system to the correct AC and DC power sources.

1.3 Precautions During a Run

Do not run the pump when it is dry. Always add buffer to the “Fill” line when
pre-chilling and/or preheating the buffer; always keep the buffer below “Max” level during

Do not touch any wet surface unless all the electrical sources are disconnected.

Do not put anything on the top surface of the DCode system module.