Cylinder changing procedures, User responsibility – Amico Dome Loaded Manifold NFPA User Manual

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Amico Pipeline

Cylinder Changing Procedures

WARNING: High pressure oxygen systems must be handled with CAUTION. Spontaneous

combustion may occur if oxygen comes into contact with grease or oil. Ensure that hands, gloves,

clothing and tools are kept clean and free of oil and grease. Be careful not to introduce dust

or other contaminants into the system when changing cylinders. Failure to comply with this

procedure may be hazardous.

WARNING: Fire Hazard. DO NOT permit smoking or any other source of ignition in the area where

the manifold is located or near the relief valve vent outlet. Be certain that all connections are free

of dirt, grease and oil. These substances burn with great intensity in air enriched with oxygen or

nitrous oxide and some gas mixtures.

M i c r o p r o c e s s o r D i g i t a l M a n i f o l d

P a g e : 4


The information contained in this Installation and Maintenance Manual, pertains only to the ALERT-2

microprocessor based digital manifold. This product will perform in conformity with the descriptions

contained in this manual when assembled, operated, maintained and serviced in accordance with the

installation instructions provided.
The manifold

must be checked periodically. Parts that are broken, missing, worn, distorted or


must be replaced immediately. Should such repair or replacement become necessary,

please contact Amico Corporation or their distributors.
Installing CO2 and N2O manifolds outdoors. Please refer to NFPA Code: Central

supply systems for nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide shall be prevented from reaching

temperatures lower than the recommendations of the central supply system’s manufacturer,

but shall never be lower than -7°C (20°F) or greater than 54°C (130°F).
All Manifolds should not be repaired or altered without prior written approval by Amico

Corporation or it’s distributors. Failure to comply will void all warranty on the manifold.
Statements in this manual preceded by the words


special significance. Please read these sections carefully.


denotes steps which can prevent injury.


denotes steps which can prevent damage to equipment.


denotes steps which can prevent electrical shock to equipment or to

prevent serious injury and/or death.

M i c r o p r o c e s s o r D i g i t a l M a n i f o l d

P a g e : 4


The information contained in this Installation and Maintenance Manual, pertains only to the ALERT-2

microprocessor based digital manifold. This product will perform in conformity with the descriptions

contained in this manual when assembled, operated, maintained and serviced in accordance with the

installation instructions provided.
The manifold

must be checked periodically. Parts that are broken, missing, worn, distorted or


must be replaced immediately. Should such repair or replacement become necessary,

please contact Amico Corporation or their distributors.
Installing CO2 and N2O manifolds outdoors. Please refer to NFPA Code: Central

supply systems for nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide shall be prevented from reaching

temperatures lower than the recommendations of the central supply system’s manufacturer,

but shall never be lower than -7°C (20°F) or greater than 54°C (130°F).
All Manifolds should not be repaired or altered without prior written approval by Amico

Corporation or it’s distributors. Failure to comply will void all warranty on the manifold.
Statements in this manual preceded by the words


special significance. Please read these sections carefully.


denotes steps which can prevent injury.


denotes steps which can prevent damage to equipment.


denotes steps which can prevent electrical shock to equipment or to

prevent serious injury and/or death.

1. Keep the main bank valve open throughout these procedures.

2. Close cylinder valves on all empty cylinders.

3. Disconnect pigtails from cylinder valve outlets, using an appropriate wrench.

4. Place protective caps over the cylinder valves of the empty cylinders and move them aside.

5. Remove protective caps of the full cylinders. Visually inspect the cylinder valves for dust, grease or oil.

6. Using a clean (lint free) cloth, wipe each cylinder valve outlet clean. Do not use your fingers.

7. Standing to one side, “crack” each cylinder valve by briefly opening and closing to blow out any dust. Make sure

they are pointing away from you and other personnel.

8. Connect the pigtails to the cylinder valve outlets and tighten the nut with an appropriate wrench.

9. Very S-L-O-W-L-Y open the cylinder valve on the cylinder closest to the control cabinet. Watch the bank pressure

display on the front of the cabinet to make sure the pressure rises slowly to the full cylinder pressure reading. Wait

one full minute.

10. Proceed to S-L-O-W-L-Y open the remaining cylinder valves one at a time.