Chp.1: introduction, Introduction, Qwurgxfwlrq – Canon BJC-620 User Manual
Page 4

Congratulations on your purchase of the Canon BJC-620 Color Bubble Jet Printer. We appreciate
your choosing this printer to meet your printing needs.
Your printer features the Microsoft Windows Printing System, which makes printing from
Microsoft Windows faster and easier than ever before. With the Microsoft Windows Printing
System, your printer is able to print faster than traditional approaches. As soon as the Microsoft
Windows Printing System accepts a document for printing, you can return to your application.
You receive instant notification of printer information and you can see the printer's status on your
computer screen.
The BJC-620 offers exceptionally high print quality and fast print speed using both color and
black inks. We are certain you will be satisfied with its advanced Bubble Jet technology.
This chapter:
Lists the supplies and accessories you can purchase for the printer
Describes Canon's customer support services
Chapter 1