Winchester Repeating Arms 94 (Includes Take Down) User Manual

Page 30

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of the rifle. Very little force should be required to

rotate the barrel/receiver into this position.

NOTICE! iF the barrel/ForearM will not rotate
with resPect to the receiver do not aPPly extra
Force until you conFirM the action is oPen and
the taKedown lever has been turned
suFFiciently to allow the MagaZine tube and
MagaZine Follower to clear the receiver.
aPPlying undue Force could daMage the riFle.

If the barrel/forearm will still not rotate, ensure there

is no foreign matter (dirt, grit, etc.) between the faces

on the receiver extension and receiver. Clean both

surfaces and lightly oil them.

7. Once the barrel/forearm are rotated into position,

extend the takedown lever and secure the magazine

tube into the receiver by turning the takedown lever

clockwise. Tighten the magazine tube until it is snug.

Do not overtighten.

8. When the takedown lever is secured, fold the

takedown lever over until it lays along the bottom

of the magazine tube (Figure 35). If the takedown

lever is not centered on the magazine tube, rotate

it into alignment. Your rifle is now assembled.








beFore PerForMing cleaning Procedures, Place
the “saFety” in the on saFe Position.
oPen the action and MaKe certain your riFle
is coMPletely unloaded. KeeP the MuZZle
Pointed in a saFe direction. Failure to Follow
these warnings could result in serious injury
or death.

wear eye Protection when disasseMbling and
cleaning your riFle to Prevent sPrings, sPring-
loaded Parts, solvents or other agents FroM
contacting your eyes, resulting in injury.

KeeP all aMMunition away FroM the cleaning
area. never test the Mechanical Function oF
your riFle with live aMMunition. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.





Your Model 1894 will function better and more reliably

over a longer period of time if it is properly maintained

and kept clean. Clean your firearm after each day of

shooting and more often if it becomes excessively dirty.

A minimum cleaning includes wiping down the action

and oiling key parts. Regular maintenance will also

include cleaning the barrel.
If you encounter a function problem be sure to give your

firearm a thorough cleaning to see if it solves the problem

before seeking the services of a Winchester Repeating

Arms Authorized Repair Center or our Service Facility

in Arnold, Missouri, or a qualified gunsmith.
1. Open the action by completely lowering the lever.
2. Clean the bore using an appropriate rifle cleaning rod

with a jag and patch of the correct caliber to provide a

snug fit in the bore. Insert the rod and patch into the

barrel at the muzzle end and run it back and forth

several times. Care should be exercised to ensure that

neither the cleaning rod nor the handle strikes the

crown of the muzzle, as damage to this area can

adversely affect the accuracy of the rifle. A muzzle

protector can be purchased separately from your local

firearms dealer to help protect the muzzle crown while

cleaning the barrel of your rifle.

3. Inspect the chamber and bore for brass, copper and

powder fouling. A normal amount of powder residue

can be expected and is not serious. It can usually be

removed by repeating step 2, using a patch saturated

with solvent. If, or when, fouling should become

heavy, it can be removed with a brass bore brush. Dip

or spray the brush with solvent and scrub the chamber


Turn the barrel/forearm

half of the rifle 90˚

counterclockwise to attach

it to the receiver.


Completely tighten the locking lever and return it to the folded up

position under the magazine tube.