Winchester Repeating Arms 94 (Includes Take Down) User Manual
Page 29

NOTICE! iF the barrel/ForearM will not rotate
with resPect to the receiver do not aPPly extra
Force until you conFirM the action is oPen and
the taKedown lever has been turned
suFFiciently to disengage the MagaZine tube
and MagaZine Follower FroM the receiver.
aPPlying undue Force with the action closed
could daMage the riFle.
7. Carefully pull the barrel/forearm half of the rifle away
from the receiver (Figure 32, page 27). Your rifle is
now taken down. To case or store the two halves of
your rifle, return the finger lever to the closed
position, return the takedown lever to the folded-
down position flush with the bottom of the magazine,
centered on the bottom of the magazine tube.
beFore PerForMing asseMbly Procedures, Place
the “saFety” in the on saFe Position. coMPletely
unload the riFle by reMoving all cartridges
FroM the chaMber, MagaZine and action-Feed
areas. KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe
direction. Failure to Follow these warnings
could result in serious injury or death, and
cause daMage to your FirearM.
Perform the following procedure to assemble the rifle.
1. Open the action completely by working the finger
lever completely downward.
NOTICE! the riFle cannot be asseMbled unless
the action is oPen. daMage can occur to the bolt
coMPonents iF you atteMPt to asseMble the
riFle with the action closed.
2. Lift the takedown lever on the end of the magazine
tube fully outward, away from the magazine. Make
certain the magazine tube and magazine follower are
not protruding from the receiver extension (Figure 33)
by rotating the takedown lever counterclockwise.
3. With one hand grasp the pistol grip of the rifle, and
with the other hand grasp the barrel/forearm half of
the rifle.
4. While securely holding the pistol grip, position the
barrel/forearm half of the rifle 90˚ to the left of the
receiver (Figure 34, page 28).
5. Insert the threaded barrel extension into the
receiver. Verify the receiver extension and receiver
are lightly making contact. The barrel extension is
now fully inserted.
6. With the barrel extension fully inserted, rotate the
barrel/forearm half clockwise 90˚ to secure the halves
Turn the takedown lever counterclockwise to disengage
the magazine tube and follower from the receiver.
Rotate the barrel/
forearm half of the
rifle 90˚ clockwise
to release it from
the receiver.
Carefully pull the
barrel/forearm half
of the rifle away from
the receiver.
Be certain the magazine tube and
magazine follower are completely
retracted into the receiver extension.
Receiver Extension