Winchester Repeating Arms 94 (Includes Take Down) User Manual

Page 26

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the Model 1894 Takedown rifle refer to Figures 26-28.
The full serial number of the rifle is located on the

receiver half of the rifle, on the bottom of the receiver,

toward the front. Record the full serial number on

the receiver at the front of this owner’s manual for

future reference.
Notice! The barrel/forearm half of the rifle must only be

used with the receiver half of the rifle it was sold with.

Barrels are not interchangeable with any other current or

older Model 1894 rifle.





beFore PerForMing disasseMbly Procedures,
Place the “saFety” in the on saFe Position.
coMPletely unload the riFle by reMoving all
cartridges FroM the chaMber, MagaZine and
action-Feed areas. KeeP the MuZZle Pointed
in a saFe direction. Failure to Follow these
warnings could result in serious injury or
death, and cause daMage to your FirearM.

With the rifle fully assembled use the following procedure

to take it down into two parts.

1. Completely unload the rifle as explained previously.
NOTICE! the riFle cannot be taKen down iF there
is a cartridge in the MagaZine. daMage can
occur to the riFle iF you atteMPt to taKe down
the riFle with a cartridge in the MagaZine.
2. Open the action completely by working the finger

lever completely downward.

NOTICE! the riFle cannot be taKen down unless
the action is oPen. daMage can occur to the
bolt coMPonents iF you atteMPt to taKe down
the riFle with the action closed.

3. Lift the takedown lever on the end of the magazine

tube fully outward, away from the magazine

(Figure 29).

4. Rotate the takedown lever counterclockwise to

disengage the magazine tube and magazine follower

from the receiver (Figure 30, page 26).

5. With one hand grasp the pistol grip of the rifle, and

with the other hand grasp the barrel/forearm half of

the rifle.

6. While securely holding the pistol grip, rotate the

barrel/forearm half clockwise 90˚ to unlock the

barrel/forearm from the receiver (Figure 31, page 26).


Receiver half of the rifle.


Receiver Face

Magazine Tube Opening

Internal Interrupted



Barrel/forearm half of the rifle.

Magazine Follower

Barrel Extension

Receiver Extension

Receiver Extension Face

Interrupted Threads


Takedown lever shown in the closed position.

Magazine Tube


Takedown Lever


Pull the takedown lever

completely outward.