Winchester Repeating Arms 94 (Includes Take Down) User Manual
Page 23

beFore installing the haMMer extension, Place
the “saFety” in the on saFe Position. oPen the
action and MaKe certain your riFle is
coMPletely unloaded. close the action and
Move the haMMer to the rebound Position. KeeP
the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direction. Failure
to Follow these warnings could result in
serious injury or death.
ProPer installation oF the haMMer extension is
iMPortant to Prevent accidental discharge.
haMMer extensions can loosen with use. beFore
Firing your riFle, checK to MaKe sure the
haMMer extension is installed tightly. it is
iMPortant to FaMiliariZe yourselF thoroughly
with the oPeration and use oF the haMMer
extension and your FirearM Prior to using
live aMMunition. Failure to Follow these
warnings could result in serious injury
or death.
A hammer extension is useful when a scope is mounted.
It extends to the side, making it convenient to cock and
lower the hammer even with a low-mounted scope.
The hammer extension can be used in either the right
hand or left hand position.
when unloading your riFle always Place the
“saFety” in the on saFe Position. KeeP the
MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direction and your
Fingers away FroM the trigger. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.
always insPect the chaMber, barrel, Feed
MechanisM and MagaZine careFully aFter
unloading to be sure all live cartridges are
cleared FroM the FirearM.
Completely unloading your rifle during storage and other
appropriate situations is essential to safe gun handling.
The “safety” on the Model 1894 is of utmost importance
during unloading. When the “safety” is in the on safe
position, it allows you to cycle the action and eject loaded
cartridges from the magazine with the hammer blocked
and unable to strike the firing pin.
1. Place the “safety” in the on safe position.
2. Swing the finger lever completely downward. This
will extract any cartridge from the chamber and eject
it. Capture the cartridge and return the finger lever
fully upward. Keep your fingers away from the trigger.
3. Continue to operate the finger lever in the same
manner transferring all the remaining cartridges
from the magazine to the chamber and then ejecting
them out.
4. When cartridges no longer eject when you cycle the
action, further assure that no cartridges remain by
opening the action, depressing the carrier and visually
checking the chamber, feed mechanism and magazine
follower to be certain that the rifle is completely
unloaded (Figure 22). After the last live cartridge is
moved out of the magazine and ejected, immediately
close the action and lower the hammer to the rebound
position as explained previously.
1. Apply a small amount of serviceable Loctite
locking compound to the hammer extension threads.
2. Position the hammer extension to the left or
right of the hammer as preferred and tighten the
hammer extension in the tapped hole in the hammer
(Figure 23). (Right-handed shooters usually prefer
mounting the extension to the right side.)
IMPORTANT: Do not use tools to tighten the hammer
extension, you may damage it.
Visually check the chamber and
follower to ensure they are free
of cartridges.
The hammer extension
shown installed.