Winchester Repeating Arms 94 (Includes Take Down) User Manual

Page 12

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wear eye Protection when asseMbling and
disasseMbling your riFle to Prevent sPrings,
sPring-loaded Parts, solvents or other agents
FroM contacting your eyes, resulting in injury.

Various exposed metal parts of your new firearm have

been coated at the factory with a rust preventative

compound. Before firing your rifle, clean the anti-rust

compound from the inside of the barrel, receiver and the

action-chamber areas. A fine, light gun oil is ideal for

removing this compound and for giving your new firearm

its first lubrication. Clean the barrel using a cleaning rod

and patch as explained under “Cleaning and Maintenance

Suggestions” on pages 29-31. If your rifle is to be stored, it

is acceptable to leave the rust preventative compound on

the rifle and keep it in its original packaging.
Before beginning the first firing of your Model 1894 you

should first wipe the mechanism completely clean. Clean

the bore and apply a few drops of quality oil on the

following surfaces (Figure 5):

• Along the breech bolt surface.
• Along the breech bolt rail surfaces.
• On all pivot points and bearing surfaces on the finger

lever mechanism.

Avoid applying too much oil. Only a light film is

necessary. Cleaning and Maintenance Suggestions should

be followed before each oiling.







always KeeP the “saFety” in the on saFe Position
and the haMMer in the rebound Position unless
shooting is iMMinent. always KeeP the MuZZle
Pointed in a saFe direction. Failure to Follow
these warnings could result in serious injury
or death.


Model 1894s produced in 2003 to present feature a

top-tang hammer block “safety.” Models produced

between 1992 and 2002 feature a cross-bolt style “safety.”

When the “safety” has been placed in the on safe position

it blocks the hammer from striking the firing pin.

However, the “safety” does not prevent the hammer from

falling when the trigger is pulled, even if the “safety” is in

the on safe position. When the trigger is pulled, with the

“safety” in the on safe position, the hammer drops to the

rebound position without striking the firing pin.







” o


• On Safe — This is the recommended position of the

“safety” for all times except when firing is imminent.

To place the “safety” in the on safe position, point

your rifle in a safe direction, then slide the “safety”

fully to the rear with your thumb until the red

warning dot is covered by the “safety” and the “S” is

visible (Figure 6). Moving the “safety” fully rearward

and exposing the “S” blocks the hammer from

striking the firing pin.

• Off Safe — When the “safety” is pushed all the way

forward it is in the off safe position (Figure 7). In this

position, and with the finger lever fully depressed,

when the trigger is pulled, the cocked hammer will

fall and strike the firing pin.

If a cartridge is in the chamber the firing pin will

strike the primer and fire the cartridge.

To place the “safety” in the off safe position, point

your rifle in a safe direction, then slide the “safety”

fully forward, covering the “S” inscribed on the rifle,

and exposing the red warning dot. When the red

warning dot is visible the “safety” is in the off safe

position. The “safety” can be actuated with the

hammer in the rebound or cocked position.





” o


• On Safe — This is the recommended position of the

“safety” for all times except when firing is imminent.

To place the “safety” in the on safe position, point

your rifle in a safe direction, then push the “safety”

fully to the right until the red warning band is not

visible (Figure 8, page 12).



The top-tang “safety”

in the on safe position.


The top-tang “safety” in

the off safe position.


Lightly oil the rifle

at these points.