Winchester Repeating Arms 94 (Includes Take Down) User Manual
Page 16

on a bench or table at a shooting range or other
facility, and at all other times except when you are
in the field and shooting is imminent.
do not use aMMunition other than what
is inscribed on the leFt side oF the barrel.
exaMine every cartridge you load into
your FirearM.
discharging FirearMs in Poorly ventilated
areas, cleaning FirearMs or handling
aMMunition May result in exPosure to lead
and other substances Known to cause birth
deFects, reProductive harM and other serious
Physical injury. have adequate ventilation at
all tiMes. wash hands thoroughly aFter
handling aMMunition.
use only aMMunition suitable For use in a
centerFire riFle with a tubular MagaZine. use
only Flat nose, hollow Point, round nose Flat
Point or siMilar bullets. never use Pointed or
conical Point bullets in a centerFire riFle with
a tubular MagaZine. Failure to Follow these
instructions could result in injury to yourselF
or others, and cause daMage to your FirearM.
The Model 1894 is designed to shoot modern factory
cartridges only. The caliber of your new Model 1894 is
inscribed on the left side of the barrel, just in front of the
rear sight. Make sure you use only the exact ammunition/
caliber as listed on the barrel.
The barrel and action of this rifle have been made with
substantial safety margins over the pressures developed
by established American loads. However, we assume no
responsibility for incidents which occur through the
use of cartridges of nonstandard dimension or those
developing pressures in excess of SAAMI (Sporting
Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute)
established standards.
when loading your riFle always KeeP the MuZZle
Pointed in a saFe direction, always Place the
“saFety” in the on saFe Position and Place the
haMMer in the rebound Position. KeeP your
Fingers away FroM the trigger. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.
to avoid accidental discharge, do not carry
your riFle with a cartridge in the chaMber.
when Firing is no longer iMMinent, Place the
“saFety” in the on saFe Position, unload the
chaMber and MaKe sure the haMMer is in the
1. Place the “safety” in the on safe position.
2. Place your thumb on the hammer and firmly hold the
hammer back slightly with your thumb.
3. While holding the hammer back, apply just enough
pressure on the trigger to release the hammer from the
full-cock position (Figure 12, page 13). Immediately
remove your finger from the trigger, then slowly and
carefully allow the hammer to lower into the rebound
position (Figure 13).
It is important that the breech is fully closed before firing
the rifle. To help assure that this is always the case, the
Model 1894 has a trigger stop mechanism. Before the rifle
will fire, it is necessary for the finger lever to depress the
trigger stop (Figure 14). The trigger stop is not a safety. It
is an interlock to assure that the breech is fully closed
before a cartridge can be fired. Never rely on the trigger
stop to prevent accidental discharge. When wearing
gloves, a portion of the glove may get between the lever
and the lower tang preventing the lever from depressing
the trigger stop and making it necessary to squeeze upward
on the finger lever.
• It is recommended that you keep the action open
(with the finger lever down) when your rifle is laying
Trigger Stop
Remove your finger from the trigger
and carefully lower the hammer to the
rebound position.