Winchester Repeating Arms 94 (Includes Take Down) User Manual
Page 15

• Rebound Position — This position (Figure 10,
page 12) takes the place of the dropped and
half-cock positions found on the original
Model 1894 rifles.
The rebounding feature of the hammer essentially
eliminates the dropped hammer position. The
hammer only travels to the dropped position
momentarily after the trigger has been pulled with
the hammer fully-cocked. The hammer then
automatically moves to the rebound position.
The rebound position is the recommended position
of the hammer at all times and should be in that
position except (1) when firing is imminent (2)
or immediately after the action has been cycled.
• Full-Cock Position — This is the position that
the hammer is moved to when firing is imminent
(Figure 11, page 12). It is also the position the
hammer moves to when the action is cycled using
the finger lever.
always KeeP the “saFety” in the on saFe Position
when the haMMer is in the Full-cocK Position
unless Firing is iMMinent. always KeeP the
MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direction. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.
At any time the hammer can be moved to the full-cock
position either manually or by cycling the finger lever
fully. Unless shooting is imminent it is important to keep
the hammer in the rebound position. To lower the
hammer from the full-cock position to the rebound
position, perform the following operation.
when lowering the haMMer to the rebound
Position, always KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe
direction. always KeeP the “saFety” in the on saFe
Position. Failure to Follow these warnings could
result in serious injury or death.
• Off Safe — When the “safety” is pushed all the way
to the left it is in the off safe position (Figure 9). In
this position, when the trigger is pulled, the cocked
hammer will fall and strike the firing pin.
If a cartridge is in the chamber the firing pin will
strike the primer and fire the cartridge.
To place the “safety” in the off safe position, point
your rifle in a safe direction, then slide the “safety”
fully to the left, exposing the red warning band.
When the red warning band is visible the “safety” is
in the off safe position. The “safety” can be actuated
with the hammer in the rebound or cocked position.
The Model 1894 features a rebounding hammer designed
to prevent the hammer from moving forward and striking
the firing pin unless the trigger is pulled.
After firing your rifle the hammer immediately moves to
the rebound position. The hammer can also be manually
lowered from full-cock to the rebound position as detailed
on page 13 under “Lowering the Hammer.”
The rebounding hammer on the Model 1894 has
two positions:
The hammer in the
rebound position.
The hammer in the
full-cock position.
The crossbolt “safety”
in the on safe position.
The crossbolt “safety”
in the off safe position.
Carefully hold the hammer back
while pulling the trigger.