Winchester Repeating Arms X3 Shotgun User Manual

Page 41

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7. The bolt and bolt slide can be separated for cleaning

(Figure 30). Perform any cleaning of the bolt and

receiver cavity as necessary.

NOTICE! do not disasseMble the bolt asseMbly
beyond this Point.








1. Reassemble the bolt and bolt slide (Figure 31).
2. Place a few drops of oil in the grooves to lubricate the

bolt slide rails (Figure 4, page 11). Align the rails on

the bolt slide with the grooves in the bottom of the

receiver and place the bolt assembly back in the

receiver, bolt slide link end first (Figure 32).

3. Guide the bolt slide link into its socket in the recoil

spring follower (Figure 33).

4. On 12 gauge models, replace the operating handle by

inserting it in its slot in the bolt.

On 20 gauge models, replace the operating handle by

inserting it in its slot in the bolt by holding the shotgun

with the loading port up and pressing the shell stop

while inserting the operating handle into the slot.

IMPORTANT: On 20 gauge models, it may be

necessary to pull out on the operating handle slightly

until the shell stop clicks back in place. Failure to

follow these instructions will result in the inability to

load the magazine.

5. Open and close the action several times to make sure

the bolt slide link and recoil spring follower are

properly engaged.

NOTICE! never allow the action to slaM closed
by Pressing the carrier release button without
having the barrel installed. daMage will result
to the receiver and oPerating handle.






1. When the action becomes excessively dirty, remove

the trigger group and bolt assembly from the receiver

as explained under “Removal of the Trigger Group and

Bolt Assemblies” beginning on pages 35-36. Clean

with a gun solvent as necessary, using a nylon brush

to loosen any caked-on grime.

Wipe the receiver cavity clean. Lightly oil the cavity

and wipe it dry. No further disassembly is required

for cleaning.

2. Reassemble the trigger group, bolt assembly, gas system

and the barrel to the receiver as explained previously.

Then wipe all exposed metal surfaces with an oiled

cloth, making sure to wipe clean all finger marks

where moisture could accumulate.

3. The barrel and action should be inspected thoroughly

to be certain no cleaning patches have been

inadvertently left in them.


Separate the bolt
and bolt slide for
easy cleaning.


Reassemble the bolt
and bolt slide link.


When installing the bolt assembly, make
sure you install it link end first. Line up
the rails with the receiver.


Carefully guide the bolt
slide link into its socket
in the recoil spring
follower. This must be
done correctly or your
firearm will not function.

Recoil Spring
Follower Socket

Bolt Slide