Winchester Repeating Arms X3 Shotgun User Manual

Page 17

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Metallic shells oF any Kind in a shotgun.
sPeciFically, never Put centerFire riFle or
Pistol shells in a shotgun chaMbered For .410
bore. Failure to Follow this warning could
result in serious injury or death and cause
daMage to your shotgun.

The most certain way to bulge or rupture a shotgun barrel

is to load a smaller gauge shell into a larger gauge

chamber. The smaller gauge shell will not fall completely

through the barrel; its rim is caught by the front of a larger

gauge chamber or at the larger gauge’s choke. Your

shotgun will misfire (with the chamber appearing to be

empty). It is then possible to load the correct gauge shell

behind the smaller gauge shell. If the shotgun is then

fired, the result will be a so-called “12-16, 12-20, 20-28

or 28-.410 burst” which can cause extensive damage to

your shotgun and possible serious injury to you and others.
We can assume no responsibility for incidents which occur

through the use of shells of nonstandard dimension or

those developing pressures in excess of SAAMI (Sporting

Arms and Ammunition Manufacturer’s Institute)

established standards.
There are three basic versions of this shotgun. This

information can be found inscribed on the barrel. The

barrel can safely shoot both lead and steel shot. Special

rifled choke tubes and rifled barrels are designed for

shooting sabot-type slugs. Winchester ammunition is

always an excellent choice for your shotgun, delivering

unmatched performance and dependability.

• 12 gauge, 3½" chamber — These models have a 3½"

chamber designed to shoot factory 12 gauge loads

including 2¾", 3" and 3½" (1




oz. to 2¼ oz.) field

loads. (They are not designed to shoot the lightest





oz. and 1 oz. loads.)

• 12 gauge, 3" chamber — These models have a 3"

chamber designed to shoot factory 12 gauge loads

including 2¾" and 3" (1 oz. to 2 oz.) field loads.

(They are not designed to shoot the lightest factory




oz. and 1 oz. target loads or any 3½" shells.)

• 20 gauge, 3" chamber — These models have a 3"

chamber designed to shoot factory 20 gauge loads

including 2¾" and 3" (




oz. to 1½ oz.) field loads.

(They are not designed to shoot the lightest factory




oz. and 1 oz. target loads.)





With the magazine three-shot adapter (plug) removed,

Super X3 3" shotguns will hold four 2¾" or three 3" shells

in the magazine. Super X3 3½" shotguns will hold four

2¾" shells, or three 3" or 3½" shells in the magazine. With

the magazine three-shot adapter (plug) installed magazine

capacity is limited to two shells in the magazine.
Remember, “total” capacity includes an additional shell in

the chamber in addition to a full magazine.
It is extremely important that you know the magazine

capacity of your shotgun. Under appropriate

circumstances, at a range or other suitable shooting



always KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe
direction. beFore starting disasseMbly
Procedures, oPen the action and visually
insPect the chaMber to be absolutely certain
the FirearM is coMPletely unloaded. Place the
“saFety” in the on saFe Position. Failure to
Follow this warning could result in serious
injury or death.

1. Unscrew the magazine cap and remove it.
2. Remove the forearm by sliding it forward off the

magazine tube.

3. For cleaning, remove the barrel, gas piston, piston

sleeve and piston sleeve spring by sliding them

forward off the magazine tube. See “Cleaning

and Maintenance Suggestions” on pages 32-34

for cleaning procedures.

If you are disassembling for storage, return the piston

sleeve spring, piston sleeve and piston onto the

magazine tube. Reinstall the forearm over the

magazine tube and screw on the magazine cap.

You will then have two compact units: 1) the barrel,

2) and the action with the stock and forearm.

NOTICE! aFter the barrel has been reMoved,
leave the bolt in the rearward Position. do not

Press the carrier release button. iF the bolt is
released Forward with the barrel reMoved, the
oPerating handle will striKe the receiver,
causing daMage.



use only shells oF the correct gauge and
length. the gauge and length oF the chaMber is
inscribed on the side oF the barrel. do not use
aMMunition other than what is inscribed on the
side oF the barrel. exaMine every shell you Put
in your shotgun. Failure to Follow this warning
could result in serious injury or death and
cause daMage to your shotgun.
use shells oF the correct length. do not use 3"
or 3½" shells in a barrel with a 2¾" or 2½"
chaMber, or 3½" shells in a barrel with a 3"
chaMber. doing so can result in a builduP oF
dangerously high Pressures. Failure to Follow
this warning could result in serious injury or
death and cause daMage to your shotgun.
do not Put a 16 gauge shell or a 20 gauge shell
in a 12 gauge shotgun. do not Put a 28 gauge
shell in a 20 gauge shotgun. do not Put a .410
bore shell in a 28 gauge shotgun. never Put