Winchester Repeating Arms X3 Shotgun User Manual
Page 24

To help you choose the correct choke tube for each
hunting and shooting situation, all Invector-Plus
choke tubes are inscribed on the side with the patterns
they produce with both lead and steel shot. Each
Invector-Plus tube also has notches in the top rim of the
tube (Figure 15). These notches are a code to allow you
to determine the choke designation while the tube is
installed. Rim notches refer specifically to lead shot.
Use the charts on this page to cross-reference from lead
shot to steel shot, and determine the appropriate tubes for
your ammunition and hunting/shooting situation.
Several choke tubes are supplied with your shotgun.
The choke tubes listed are also available as accessories.
Remember, WinChoke, Standard Invector and Invector-
Plus tubes are not interchangeable. Invector-Plus tubes
are for Winchester shotguns with back-bored barrels
only. Before removing or installing tubes, or reading
the rim notch code, make sure your shotgun is
completely unloaded.
1. Place the “safety” in the on safe position. Always
make sure the shotgun is completely unloaded.
Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
2. Use the choke tube wrench to loosen the tube,
turning it counterclockwise. Finger-twist the tube
the rest of the way out of the barrel.
and visually insPect the chaMber, Feed
MechanisM and MagaZine to be absolutely
certain the FirearM is coMPletely unloaded.
always Place the “saFety” in the on saFe
Position and KeeP your Fingers away FroM the
trigger. Failure to Follow these warnings
could result in serious injury or death.
do not Fire this shotgun without the correct
choKe tube installed. PerManent daMage May
result to the threads inside the barrel.
use only the aPProPriate gauge and tyPe oF
choKe tubes, MarKed invector-Plus or standard
invector, dePending on your shotgun.
invector-Plus choKe tubes are For use only in
winchester shotguns with bacK-bored barrels,
and are not interchangeable with winchoKe or
standard invector choKe tubes. do not use
invector-Plus tubes in barrels threaded For
standard invector tubes.
standard invector tubes are For use only in
winchester shotguns, and are not
interchangeable with invector-Plus choKe
tubes. do not use standard invector tubes in
barrels threaded For invector-Plus tubes.
do not use winchoKe, standard invector or
invector-Plus choKe tubes in any shotgun
barrels not suPPlied by winchester. do not use
any other choKing device in any shotgun
barrels suPPlied by winchester.
Failure to Follow these warnings May
cause injury or death and cause daMage to
your shotgun.
All Super X3 shotgun barrels are threaded to accept the
choke tube system. Standard Invector and
Invector-Plus tubes are not interchangeable. Confirm the
choke system of your shotgun by looking on the right side
of the barrel where the specifications are inscribed, where
the choke markings are normally located.
The constriction of each choke tube is indicated twice on
the choke tube: on the side of the tube, and indicated
with a “notch” code on the top rim of the tube. The
included universal choke tube wrench is used to remove
and install choke tubes.
Invector-Plus and Standard Invector choke tubes are
compatible with factory ammunition that has been
loaded in compliance with SAAMI specifications,
including magnum lead and steel shot loads, sabots and
shotgun slug loads.
Replacement and additional tubes and wrenches are
available from your Winchester Repeating Arms dealer, or
by contacting the Winchester Repeating Arms Customer
Service Department. See page 41 for contact information.
N o N ot c h e s
F i v e N ot c h e s
F o u r N ot c h e s
t h r e e N ot c h e s
t w o N ot c h e s
o N e N ot c h
r i m
N ot c h e s
Pat t e r N w i t h
L e a d s h ot
Pat t e r N w i t h
s t e e L s h ot
e x t e N d e d * *
x - F u L L t u r k e y
* *
F u L L
i i
i m P. m o d i F i e d
F u L L
i i i
m o d i F i e d
F u L L
i i i i
i m P. c y L i N d e r
m o d i F i e d
i i i i i
s k e e t
i m P. c y L i N d e r
N o N ot c h e s
c y L i N d e r
c y L i N d e r
Not for use with steel shot. Using an over-tight choke constriction with
steel shot will result in an ineffective “blown” pattern.
Extra Full Turkey, extended with ports. Do not use with steel shot.
When more than one choke tube is listed for a given steel shot pattern, use
the more open choke listed for high velocity, larger shot size steel loads.