Winchester Repeating Arms X3 Shotgun User Manual
Page 22

shotgun remains open, with the bolt locked to the
rear. This allows convenient and fast reloading.
If you are done shooting, leave the bolt locked to the
rear, with the breech in the open position so that you
may visually inspect the chamber, bore, carrier and
magazine to be sure they contain no shells.
aFter Firing, or when shooting is no longer
iMMinent, iMMediately Place the “saFety” in
the on saFe Position.
Failure to Follow these warnings could result
in serious injury or death.
even with the bolt locKed oPen aFter shooting,
do not assuMe the shotgun is unloaded. always
insPect the chaMber, Feed MechanisM and
MagaZine to be certain the shotgun is
coMPletely unloaded. Failure to Follow these
warnings could result in serious injury
or death.
when unloading your shotgun always Place the
“saFety” in the on saFe Position. KeeP the
MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direction and your
Fingers away FroM the trigger. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.
always insPect the chaMber, Feed MechanisM
and MagaZine careFully aFter unloading to
be sure all live shells are cleared FroM
the FirearM.
1. Grasp the bolt handle and cycle the action until
all shells are transferred from the magazine to
the chamber and then ejected. Take care to
avoid damaging shells. Avoid letting them fall to
the ground.
2. When the last shell in the magazine has been cycled
through the chamber and out the ejection port, the
bolt will lock rearward. The bolt will also lock
rearward when cycled with an empty magazine.
3. Visually inspect the chamber, feed mechanism and
magazine to assure there are no shells remaining.
never atteMPt to reMove or install a choKe
tube in a loaded FirearM. whenever reMoving or
installing a choKe tube in a shotgun, always
KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direction.
coMPletely unload the shotgun. oPen the action
in the magazine tube. Make sure the rim of the shell
engages the shell stop and is held fully inside the
magazine tube. It will make an audible click when
fully inserted.
the shotgun is now ready to Fire by siMPly
Moving the “saFety” to the oFF saFe Position
and Pulling the trigger.
1. With the bolt open, insert a shell into the magazine.
The shell will be automatically cycled from the
magazine to the chamber.
KeeP your Fingers clear oF the ejection Port
when loading the shotgun using the sPeed
loading Procedure. Failure to Follow this
warning could result in injury.
2. If desired, load the magazine to full capacity by
inserting a shell of the proper gauge and length
through the loading port at the bottom of the receiver
up into the magazine, using your thumb to position
it fully forward in the magazine tube (Figure 13,
page 18). Make sure the rim of the shell engages the
shell stop and is held fully inside the magazine tube.
It will make an audible click when fully inserted.
the shotgun is now ready to Fire by siMPly
Moving the “saFety” to the oFF saFe Position
and Pulling the trigger.
never load a shell into the chaMber or Place
the “saFety” in the oFF saFe Position unless
shooting is iMMinent. always KeeP the MuZZle
Pointed in a saFe direction. Failure to Follow
these warnings could result in serious injury
or death.
1. Place the “safety” in the on safe position and load a
shell into the chamber as explained previously.
2. With a shell in the chamber, you need only move the
“safety” to the off safe position to fire the shotgun.
3. When ready to fire, move the “safety” into the off safe
position, take aim and squeeze the trigger.
After a shell is fired, the gas-operated system ejects
the fired shell and picks up a loaded shell from the
magazine and automatically chambers it.
You may continue to fire the shotgun until the
magazine is empty by pulling the trigger to fire each
shell. After the last shell is fired, the breech of the