Winchester Repeating Arms X3 Shotgun User Manual
Page 14

5. Slide the gas piston into the gas bracket (Figure 8).
6. Align the gas bracket and gas piston over the
magazine tube (Figure 9). Slide the gas bracket and
gas piston over the magazine tube. The barrel
extension should slip solidly down into the receiver.
Make sure the push rod moves freely in its slot in
the receiver.
7. Replace the forearm by sliding it onto the magazine
tube and over the gas bracket so it seats securely.
Install the magazine cap finger tight. Open and close
the action several times and retighten the magazine
cap to ensure a proper seal.
With the “safety” in the on safe position the trigger and
hammer are blocked and the shotgun cannot be fired. In
the off safe position, if your firearm is loaded with a shell
in the chamber, the chambered shell can be fired by
simply pulling the trigger.
do not dePend on the red color alone to
indicate your FirearM’s “saFety” status. tiMe,
exPosure to the eleMents and the abrasive
action oF cleaning agents can erase it. Failure
to Follow this warning could result in serious
injury or death.
always KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe
direction. beFore starting asseMbly
Procedures, visually insPect the chaMber to be
absolutely certain the FirearM is coMPletely
unloaded. Place the “saFety” in the on saFe
Position. Failure to Follow this warning could
result in serious injury or death.
The Super X3 shotgun is delivered in the box with
the barrel removed and the forearm attached to the
magazine tube.
1. Take the receiver in hand. Lock the bolt rearward
by pulling the operating handle fully to the rear.
NOTICE! never allow the action to slaM closed
by Pressing the carrier release button without
the barrel installed. iF the bolt is released
Forward with the barrel reMoved, the
oPerating handle will hit the receiver and
cause daMage.
2. Remove the forearm from the magazine tube by
unscrewing the magazine cap and sliding the forearm
forward, off the magazine tube.
NOTICE! do not squeeZe hard on the oPen rear
end oF a wood ForearM. too Much Pressure
could cause the wood to sPlit.
3. The components of the gas system: the piston sleeve,
piston sleeve spring and gas piston remain in place and
do not need to be removed except for cleaning. If
these components have been removed, reinstall them
as explained below. Otherwise, proceed to step 7.
4. Slide the piston sleeve spring and piston sleeve (push
rod end first) onto the magazine tube. The push rod
on the 12 gauge model goes in the slot on the left side
of the receiver (Figure 7, page 13). The push rod on
the 20 gauge model goes in the slot on the right side
of the receiver. Make sure the piston sleeve spring is
properly positioned in the piston sleeve.
Align the piston sleeve bar push rod with the
slot in the receiver (Super X3 12 gauge shown).
Position the gas piston in the gas
bracket on the bottom of the barrel.
Insert the gas piston and gas bracket
over the magazine tube. Start the
barrel extension into the receiver.
You may have to lift up slightly on
the sleeve bar.