Winchester Repeating Arms X3 Shotgun User Manual
Page 32

5. Move the studs to the left for cast on.
6. Right-handed shooters may desire some cast off, with
left-handed shooters preferring some cast on. The
terminology is the same for right- or left-handed
shooters. The net effect is to move the cheekpiece to
allow the face to move farther over the stock for
better eye-to-rib alignment.
7. When properly set, the front and rear sight beads
should line up perfectly each time you shoulder
your shotgun.
8. Tighten the stock adjustment screws. Be careful not to
over tighten.
9. Replace the cheekpiece onto the studs. If drop at
comb has already been set to your desired height,
tighten the two comb retaining screws securely.
If drop has not been set, leave the retaining screws loose
and proceed to “Adjusting Drop at Comb.”
Adjusting the drop at the comb allows you to align your
eye perfectly with the plane of the rib.
The drop measurement is determined by measuring the
distance between the plane formed by the top of the rib
and the top of the cheekpiece itself. The higher the
cheekpiece, the lower the drop. To set drop, perform
the following:
1. Loosen the two stock adjustment set screws on the
right side of the cheekpiece (if they were not left loose
after setting the cast) using a 3mm hex (Allen)
wrench. The cheekpiece will now move freely, up and
down on the stock adjustment studs.
2. Position the cheekpiece on the studs at the desired
drop up or down on the stock. Make sure the
adjustment on each stud is equal up and down. When
you have determined a possible setting, lightly tighten
the stock adjustment screws and then shoulder the
firearm to test the setting. Drop adjustments are a
matter of trial and error. Adjust a little at a time until
you obtain the desired sight picture on the rib.
Some shotguns are fitted with an adjustable stock that
allows you to make adjustments to the stock for cast and
drop. This feature is usually found on target models where
shooters benefit from highly customized settings.
Adjusting cast on and cast off allows you to achieve a
perfect fit from the stock to your face. This is a most
crucial adjustment, as it determines how correctly and
consistently your eye will line up with the sight plane
along the barrel rib. A shotgun correctly adjusted for
cast on and cast off will have you looking directly down
the center of the rib with the front and middle beads
in alignment.
1. Using a 3mm Allen wrench, loosen the two comb
retaining screws on the right side of the removable
cheekpiece and remove the cheekpiece by lifting
upward (Figure 21). This exposes the cast on and cast
off adjustment mechanism. (The cheekpiece comes
set from the factory with cast in the center position.)
2. Loosen both the comb adjustment stud screws
located in the top of the stock adjustment studs
using the larger (3mm) Allen wrench that is provided
(Figure 22).
3. Slide each stud equally in the desired direction. Each
mark indicates 1⁄16" (Figure 23, page 31).
4. Move the studs to the right for cast off.
Cast On
Cast Off
Loosen the screws that secure the posts and
move them equally in the desired direction.
Loosen the screws that secure
the comb.