Sample tag, Additional equipment, General usage precautions – Viking Pump TSM344: CMD Mag Drive User Manual

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Additional Equipment

Additional equipment such as a Power Monitor, Temperature

probe and a Flow meter should be fitted at all times when using

a pump in a potentially explosive atmosphere. The pump / unit

must also be “Earth Grounded” at all times.

A pump should

never be “Run Dry” especially in Potentially Explosive


General Usage Precautions

1. The pump must be “Earth Grounded” at all times to prevent

Electrostatic charge build up. (When an ATEX approved

pump is requested, a “Ground” contact point is provided

or identified by the protective earth ground symbol.) The

electrical installation must conform to all location relevant


2. The pump must not be used beyond its ratings and if

the original operating conditions change, it is the users

responsibility to check with the manufacturer to confirm

if the pump is still acceptable for the new operating


3. The manufacturer will only consider the pump safe for

the purpose and duty conditions originally specified

by the purchaser. The manufacturer will not accept

responsibility for pump failure or personal injury arising

from misapplication of the product.

4. In the event of any one of the following conditions

occurring the pump should be shut down and the cause

investigated and rectified.

Unaccountable rise in discharge pressure

Release of liquid from the pressure relief mechanism

Excessive noise emissions

Unaccountable rise in operating temperature

Excessive power consumption

Loss of flow

5. Unauthorized modification or use of components other

than original The manufacturer spares revokes any

liability for consequences, which may result.

6. A pressure relief method must be used at the discharge

of the pump to provide over pressure protection. For

ATEX Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, a “return to

tank type piping system” is recommended to prevent high

temperatures due to recycled fluid.

7. Pumps cannot be driven by belts or chains.
8. Lubricate Power Frames if used with the appropriate

lubricant specified in the standard instructions.

9. Check any gear reducers, motor, couplings, etc. for

instructions and lubricate as recommended.

10. Packing should not be used in potentially explosive

environments. Packing adjustment is critical to prevent

high surface temperatures. Packing must leak to cool


11. Care must be exercised on the initial start of a new pump

to prevent dry running. The pump can not tolerate dry run

for more than a few seconds. Even after initial break in,

pumps must not run dry as high temperatures can happen

very quickly.

12. Inspect the pump for internal wear regularly. Look for

signs of heavy grooving, galling, twisting or breakage.

These are the signs that rapid wear has taken place. This

is a good indication that the pump may not be a good

match for the service conditions. Rapid wear could result

in unexpected failure that could be the source of ignition

of the explosive environment.

13. The purchaser/user must ensure that all maintenance

work including disassembly and reassembly is carried out

by authorized and qualified personnel, who are sufficiently

trained in the operation of the pump.

14. Due to the tight internal tolerances of a gear pump the

most reliable way of repairing a pump is by the use of

a repair kit, which contains all the normal wear parts to

restore the pump to like new condition.

15. Make sure that heavy deposits of dust are not allowed to

accumulate. Clean the pump periodically.

16. Don’t run the pump faster or at a higher pressure than


17. Don’t flush the pump with steam or air without protecting

against shaft rotation due to the gears in the pump being

forced to turn like a turbine.

18. The use of a power, pressure and temperature monitoring

of the pump and system is highly recommended.

19. Refer to the provided temperature table for information

relating to ambient and fluid temperatures.

20. Properly vent or flush the pump of fluids or gases before

disassembling for service.

21. Obtain, read and keep maintenance instructions furnished

with the pump.