Pump assembly, Danger, Caution – Viking Pump TSM270.2: RL 16 and 25 High Pressure User Manual

Page 8: Warning

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1. Remove the pump head if it is not already off.

2. Remove the pipe plugs from the bracket and loosen the

setscrews on the bearing housing.

3. Using the pin-style spanner wrench, turn the bearing

housing counter clockwise (as viewed from shaft end),

until the lobe is touching the bottom of the casing bore.

4. Using a depth micrometer, measure the depth from the

front face of the casing to the face of the lobe; this is the

total end clearance.

5. Multiply total end clearance by 0.6. Turn the bearing

housing clockwise until the lobe is this distance from the

front face of the casing.

6. Evenly tighten the bearing housing setscrews on both

sides of the bracket and reinstall the pipe plugs.

7. Repeat this procedure for the other lobe.


Before opening any Viking pump liquid chamber

(pumping chamber, reservoir, etc.) be sure:

1. That any pressure in the chamber has been

completely vented through the suction or

discharge lines or other appropriate openings or


2. That the driving means (motor, turbine, engine, etc.)

has been “locked out” or made non-operational so

that it cannot be started while work is being done

on pump.

3. That you know what liquid the pump has been

handling and the precautions necessary to

safely handle the liquid. Obtain a material safety

data sheet (MSDS) for the liquid to be sure these

precautions are understood.

4. That

the timing gearbox to cool before handling

the pump. The oil will become very hot during

normal operation. Allow the timing gearbox oil.

Failure to follow above listed precautionary mea-

sures may result in serious injury or death.


The end clearance must be set while turning the

bearing housing assembly clockwise. If it is set

while turning counter-clockwise, the lobes may float

and cause damage or galling.



Recheck to make sure locknuts are tight. If left

loose, the end clearance may be lost, resulting in

pump seizure.

1. If the casing or head bushings are worn or grooved,

install new bushings. Refer to INSTALLATION OF PEEK

BUSHINGS, page 9. Head bushings are not generally

field replaceable. If these bushings are worn or grooved,

consult the factory or you local distributor.

2. Coat the bottom casing bushing bore with light oil, then

gently slide the driven lobe/shaft assembly (shorter shaft)

into place. Hold the shaft as horizontal as possible when

installing; this helps to avoid damaging the bushing

when the step on the shaft slides into the bushing bore.

Slide the lobe/shaft assembly all the way into the casing.

Repeat this process with the driver lobe/shaft assembly,

again being careful not to damage the bushing on the

shaft’s multiple steps.

3. Establish the initial shaft placement to accept the timing

gears. Position the shafts so the keyway for the driver

timing gear will be located at 6 o’clock and the driven at 3

o’clock as viewed from the input end of the shaft.

4. Install the head with the capscrews – this is a temporary

installation, but capscrews must be tight to properly set

running clearance in a later step. Make sure the head is

positioned properly over the locating pin.

5. To install the cartridge mechanical, lubricate the seal ID

and pump shaft with an appropriate lubricant. Slide the

cartridge mechanical seal onto the shaft until the gland

contacts the stuffing box face.

NOTE:General installation instructions for other sealing

options are located on page 5.

6. Assemble the bracket to the casing, and torque the

capscrews evenly per Table 2.

7. Refer now to Figure 8 on page 7. The bearing housing

should already be assembled; if not see BEARING

HOUSING ASSEMBLY. Install the O-rings onto the

bearing housings; apply a lubricant to the o-ring to

ease installation. Pack the bearings with a heavy-duty

multi-purpose grease. Thread the bearing housing into

the bracket on the lower shaft. Repeat for the upper

bearing housing. Rotate each bearing housing assembly

clockwise until the lobes hit the pump head, then back

them off 1⁄4 turn.

8. Apply a liberal coating of anti-seize or lubricating

compound on the area of the shaft underneath the

timing gear. Insert the keys into the shaft keyways.

Install the timing gears, positioned as shown in Figure

9, with arrows meshed. Rotate the driver shaft by hand,

to be sure the timing gears are properly aligned. If not,


Do not use the circulation tubing to lift the pump or

casing. Make sure the casing is secured to a work

bench or other stable work surface before working

on the pump.