Bill validator, Mars bill validator, Figure 62. mars bill validator/stacker – Unitec Portal Owner’s Manual User Manual

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Portal 3 Owners Manual

10.5 Bill Validator

The bill validator allows customers to pay for their washes using bills. The standard Portal TI comes
equipped with the Mars bill validation unit. Units built prior to 2010 have Coinco bill validator units.

10.5.1 Mars Bill Validator

The Mars bill validator is provided as the bill validator from the manufacturer since 2010.

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R e m o v i n g t h e B i l l S t a c k e r

The bill stacker will hold up to 1,000 bills and is designed to allow quick and easy removal of stored
money. To empty the bill stacker, hold the validator with one hand pushing the blue lock at the top of the
validator with one of your fingers. With your other hand, lift the stacker upward to remove it.

Figure 62. Mars Bill Validator/Stacker